
Thursday, April 30, 2020

Try telling that asshole dog Jack your job in't essential

Employees at a Tyson plant in Independence, Iowa, say they’re fearful and on edge after a colleague died from complications of Covid-19.

They work in an industry few realize has been deemed essential by the federal government: the pet food industry. Plant workers tell CNN Business they don’t feel properly protected from the virus. The company temporarily shut down two other plants in the state earlier this month due to concerns about the spread of coronavirus.

Tyson says the Independence plant, which employs nearly 250 people, is critical infrastructure and essential to the nation’s food supply. The plant manufactures dog treats.


  1. If you don't think this plant is essential to the whole meat processing line, you don't know how your food is processed.
    No different than me saving the bones and scraps for my dog when I process a moose carcass.

  2. One Death, ONE death and they want to shut the plant down It sounds somebody wants to collect the enhanced unemployment while it lasts. They want to leave then they are not allowed back into the plant.

    1. That's pretty much my take on it also.

  3. I worked for a pet food company once upon ago. There were seven packing houses in the area we could source from. Always interesting when the blood truck had a spill. The only local options besides us was Baker Commodities (you do not want to be behind one of their trucks on a hot day) or Bandini Fertilizer. The only way packers can use everything but the squeal is because of diversions into the "not for human consumption" side of the food chain.

  4. leaperman nailed it. Smithfield foods (pork products) is also chinese owned.


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