
Monday, April 27, 2020

Dreading the New Normal

Let’s start with the good news. Americans are starting to push back against all the authoritarian COVID-19-related edicts and, if social media is an indication, shaming people who call the authorities to report neighbors who are violating social-distancing rules. In Michigan, voters are circulating a recall petition against a governor whose illogical list of permitted activities bans the purchase of seeds to grow food — but allows the purchase of lottery tickets.


  1. if you plant lottery tickets in the back yard and fertilize it with old pennies, you get money trees in two hundred years. all you gotta do is wait.

  2. Whole 'panic' centered around restricting access to food now and ,by restricting gardening ,access to future food is stymied. We all know where this is going but how to stop it?
    Just keep asking God to do the deep cleaning.
    It is beyond human abilities to accomplish such a monumental task.

  3. That bitchy governor of MI looks like Cruella Deville; I think I saw a graphic here on Wirecutter's site that depicted that. She's evil; it oozes out of her.

    1. You're not wrong. Cancer surgery has been banned as "non-essential" by executive order in the state of Michigan for the duration of the "emergency," which lasts as long as Governor Karen says it does. Know what's not banned? Abortions.

      Gun stores and firearms ranges are closed as "non-essential." Know what's "essential?" Marijuana dispensaries. Liquor stores. Convenience stores that sell lottery tickets.

      She sure does love declaring emergencies and issuing *diktats* from the Governor's Mansion in Lansing, too. Does it go below zero in January? STATE OF EMERGENCY! Was there spring flooding in some small town? STATE OF EMERGENCY! Snyder was Governor eight years and did not feel it necessary to do this even once. Neither did Engler. Karen's gone mad with power, as Karens always do. REESPECK MUH AUTHORITEH, peasants!

      Not many people are asking where she derives this power, either. It's nowhere in the Michigan Constitution.


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