
Wednesday, April 15, 2020

From nanny choppers to police break-ins: Top absurd crackdowns in the fight against Covid-19

As coronavirus lockdowns go on without an end in sight, local authorities are testing the limits of their captive populations — from sending helicopters to break up football games, to recording license plates of rogue worshipers.
The coronavirus epidemic has most of the world going stir-crazy under lockdown — except for the police who’ve been given unprecedented powers to enforce a tempting slate of new laws — and a few rules that they seem to be making up as they go along. Here are some of the silliest — and most disturbing.


  1. In the UK, the police want to be given the right to force access to your property to 'shut down parties and BBQs they deem unnecessary'. They also want to be able to inspect your shopping to see if your are buying whet they deem to be 'non-essential items'.
    All they need are black uniforms and lightning-flash badges and they'd be happy.

  2. they for damned sure aren't going into any Muslim ghettos to break up celebrations. cowards.

    1. Strange you should say that but you're correct as far as the UK goes anyway.

  3. As someone posted to another article recently said "99.9 percent of police officers give the rest a bad name." I'll add politicians to that indictment.



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