
Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Harvard Professor Wants A ‘Presumptive Ban‘ On Homeschooling, Claims It Promotes White Supremacy

In a shocking essay for Harvard Magazine, a professor of law and director of Harvard Law School’s child advocacy legal clinic, claims homeschooling is a threat to children’s rights, a method of promoting white supremacy, and a drain on democratic society — and even goes so far as to suggest a national “presumptive ban” on the practice.


  1. How about a ban on Harvard professors?

  2. More racist liberal bullshit

  3. Corrected headline: "Harvard Professor Wants A ‘Presumptive Ban‘ On Homeschooling, Fears It Prevents Liberal Indoctrination." Someone at The Daily Wire missed the mark, although I'm sure they agree with the alleged professor.

  4. I am not a white supremacist, I drop some diversity every morning after the first coffee

  5. Seems the "little woman" professor has some heavy personal issues, or perhaps the values that she wants to indoctrinate children with are unsustainable unless coerced?

  6. Drinking milk also should be illegal:

  7. The left is panicing. I see a lot of parents were one has no job deciding to continue homeschooling after this is over.

    The left can't allow parents to educate children as it undermines their strategy.


  8. You would think that a Harvard doc would know the public school system did not arrive with African slaves in 1619, despite what the New York Times might print. Compulsory education for all children has been required in all states since 1918, and the final state law required only an elementary education, according to the web site how things work. Harvard faculty and grads have been screwing American education since 1805. Federal control is the only answer to ending racism, whiteness and male dominance, so says progressive doctrine. They seem not to worry that a boy can go from pre-school through high school graduation and never have a man teacher, only women who will propagandize him.

  9. Hood momma don't have the time to be a schoolin little Tyrone and Shaneenala. But I really think the main problem is a certain demographic just isn't smart enough outside of government fiat to school their own.

  10. He/she/it can presumptively kiss my entire white ass.

  11. The law of unintended consequences always holds sway. The left and the media scared us into closing down the schools. Honest parents who actually are home schooling the kids looked at the curriculum and are not going to send the kids back. Lazy parents will send the kids back but those are the ones the left already has anyway. The left subversives now realize they just lost their long term indoctrination camps. Not that we use the Constitution anymore but there is nothing in Bill Of Rights about education. Education is and always has been the Parents responsibility.

  12. This means that-
    Blacks can't home school because their children would become white supremacists.
    Mexicans can't home school because their children would become white supremacists.
    Asians can't home school because their children would become white supremacists.
    Muslims can't home school because they would become white supremacists.

    And so, yet again, we see the folly of people that are "learned" thinking that they are smart, but instead, open their mouths to remove all doubt as to the opposite.

  13. The article was published in Harvard's monthly magazine. As an illustration they showed a child trapped in a house that was 'home schooling' her. With the walls of the house comprised of books; reading, writing, arithmetic and the Bible.

    They misspelled 'arithmitic'. The Harvard University monthly magazine.

    1. It amazes me when people who are required to have a university degree to get their job cannot construct a coherent sentence or misspell a word or, most often, spell it correctly but don't realize it's the wrong word.

      Whenever I see one of the adverts for Grammarly as I'm browsing music on Youtube the voiceover on the ad is replaced in my head with one that says, "This is Shithead. He's a university graduate who works for a large law firm but can't spell properly nor construct a sentence without errors. He uses Grammarly to cover his ass."

      My formal schooling ended with my high school diploma but I've been reading everything I could get my hands on since I was five and don't need a fucking computer program to edit and proofread my writing.

    2. In my experience the average Bachelor of Arts undergrad at an Ivy League school would wash out in the first year of a Bachelor of Science Engineering degree program at ANY State University.

    3. Grammarly: This is Shithead...

      Ahahaha! I feel exactly the same way about those annoying ads.

      So the other day I happened to stroll into the Pretty Korean Girl's office and went off on Grammarly with "what kind of fucking incompetent brain-damaged loser jackhole uses that?" She looked at me and said, "It works pretty well for me." Oops. But to be fair, English is her third language. And she's used to me going off on things. But I paid for it. "Well, since you're here, check the grammar and style on these [medical] incident reports for me."

  14. What should be stopped is the concept of letting complete strangers raising your kids for 18 years. Sure, some parents might get to know a few of their kid's teachers and school staff. But it's impossible to know every staff member.


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