
Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Is it bye-bye for Li'l Kimmy?

The US intelligence agencies are receiving information that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is in grave danger after undergoing surgery, CNN reported on Monday.

The outlet cited an unnamed US official with direct knowledge of the matter.

Another US official said there were concerns over Kim’s health, but it was hard to assess the severity of the situation.


  1. Now would be a good time for the Norks to brush up on their crying and mourning skills because if you don't cry enough for dear leader's death you get disappeared.

  2. Lil Kim ain't about to let some Nork Doc stick a catheter in his ticker. Whenever he or his father had health issues in the past, they went to Paris. The boys fine. Prolly on a bender with some new whore.

    1. Fuck you, Unk. I just wasted a mouthful of rum by blowing it all over my monitor.

      On second thought, never mind, man. It was worth it. Best laugh this week.

  3. The world should only be so lucky. An old adage "better the devil you know than the devil you don't" seems fitting.


    1. His sister is supposed to be a not very nice person. She according to stories is crazier than him. So yes maybe it would be better if he lived.


  4. I’m not sure who’d be available to continue the bloodline. His sister is a non-starter since only males can be the ruler, and he had his brother killed. Still, I’m sure there’s a great nephew of Kim Il Sung available somewhere.

  5. CNN. Even their good news is fake news.

  6. Never enumerate the ultimate success of juvenile poultry until the product is fully materialized.


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