
Tuesday, April 21, 2020

In case I go down.....

Hey folks,
                 A reader reminded me today why I left blogger to begin with - They have a habit of deleting blogs with no warning if their terms of service are violated.
While I've had picture posts disappear in the past, I've known of a couple blogs here that were terminated, but they were pretty much filled with nothing but nudity. Tasteful nudity, but nudity nonetheless.
Anyways, when knuckledraggin crashed, I had a hell of a time getting the word out via email because I don't keep email address for the most part. If it wasn't for several bloggers that posted a link to this new/old site, many of you wouldn't be reading this today. Others had my email address and reached out to me.
Please, if you enjoy reading my shit, put my email address in your contacts list so that if this site does go MIA you'll know how to contact me so that I can redirect you to a new site.


  1. I still had this one bookmarked, just for the articles you know. So, after a couple days I came looking for an email address or some one on your blog role to see if anyone knew what happened. As I recall this one was likely going to disappear shortly after you stopped posting to it.

  2. You gotta see this ...

  3. I still had it because I never delete anything....

  4. Happy to see you back, motherfucker...I was lost for about a week, but then a phone call to another sick friend who we both know, let me know you had surfaced...happy to see y'all back...enjoy the plate...


  5. Get a hold of me if things go South for any reason.
    We'll figure something out.

  6. Just found this...

    Phew. I thought I had done something wrong and gotten ban-hammered.

    Glad I found you again.


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