
Wednesday, April 15, 2020

I've been that fucked up before

1 comment:

  1. Hahhaha....

    I got a massive toothache in the middle of a three day 'shore leave' binge at my friends house on the edge of the glades in a city I knew nothing about.

    I borrowed somebody's bike because I was already hammered, found my way to the emergency room, lied to the nurses, (who already looked fuzzy and were fading in and out to me), that I had someone to drive me home and then proceeded to take both the pain killers they gave me for 'right now' and the massive pill they gave me for 'emergency at home'!

    I then slipped out the front while under security supervision and somehow found the bike which I rode shakily all the way to a sand-trap on a golf course way out of my way, where I woke up sometime the next afternoon to an elderly couple standing over me who were trying to determine if I were in fact dead!

    I backtracked to a landmark I recognized in search of both my missing 300 dollar Italian shades, and the mystery route back to my buddy'd house, neither of which I was able to find.

    I did run into the 7-11 clerk at said store who told me that watching me trying to get that bike going straight in his parking lot the day before was the most entertainment he had in a while!

    So yeah, been there, done that, threw away the T-shirt!


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