
Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Virginia governor goes full California

Virginia will no longer require voters to present a photo ID in order to cast a ballot, Governor Ralph Northam announced Sunday as he signed several pieces of voter access legislation.

“Voting is a fundamental right, and these new laws strengthen our democracy by making it easier to cast a ballot, not harder,” Northam, a Democrat, said Sunday in a statement. “No matter who you are or where you live in Virginia, your voice deserves to be heard. I’m proud to sign these bills into law.”


  1. The worst part of this is not the voter i.d. part. It is the election day holiday, while cancelling the Lee/Jackson holiday. I guess they figure if you deny history enough, people will really forget about it. What a bunch of assholes.

  2. The same rule should apply for buying a gun.

  3. Voting is NOT a right. It is a duty.

  4. nothing good is going to come from this.

  5. Whether one calls it a right, a privilege or a duty, requiring voters to properly identify themselves prior to casting a ballot is necessary to protect the integrity of the process by which We the People control how we are governed.

    Any politician who promotes the usurpation of this process by unqualified voters is guilty of treason.

  6. You can't push voter ID, but they seem to think it entirely possible to ID everyone in the country who has been vaccinated with the non-existent Kung Flu vaccine...


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