
Tuesday, April 28, 2020

"I've had enough of this shit"

Frustration is mounting as more families across the U.S. enter their second or even third week of distance learning — and some overwhelmed parents say it will be their last.

Amid the barrage of learning apps, video meet-ups and e-mailed assignments that pass as pandemic home school, some frustrated and exhausted parents are choosing to disconnect entirely for the rest of the academic year. Others are cramming all their children’s school work into the weekend or taking days off work to help their kids with a week’s worth of assignments in one day.


  1. "second or even third week of distance learning"

    That was 3 weeks ago. We are on week 5 of the virtual classroom and had a week of "Spring Break" mixed in there 4 weeks ago. It is 4 days of classwork and Friday as a make-up day. Less than 25% of students are bothering to do the work or are getting older siblings or parent to do it for them.

  2. !. Nobody said independence was easy. 2. Fox could find no parents satisfied with teaching their own kids? You know, fair and balanced?

  3. Looks like the consanguine murder/suicide rates are gonna skyrocket. Remember "A family that stays at home slays at home"!

  4. We were on the fence about homeschooling anyway. Given the lack of schooling they receive at school and the pathetic amount of "work" they have to do while "learning at home", I think we are going to think much harder about homeschooling in earnest. Forget the lefty indoctrination prisons and let the kids learn real stuff. As it is, we have to unlearn 25% of the crap that is fed in.

  5. I heard that yesterday two students were suspended for fighting and the teacher fired for drinking on the job.

  6. My wife, a junior high school teacher for over 30 years, smiles and would like to tell those parents "And just ONE child - your child. Now try and convince 24 other children that they have to do their work or not pass to the next grade."

    She is distance teaching her classes, mainly grading packets of work. No grades really, just Pass / Fail. The high school kids that worked hard to become Valedictorian - how do they decide that now ? Student athletes hoping to get a scholarship - not sure how that works since colleges are in same boat.

  7. My wife is a public school teacher and is well over it. A lot more work on her end getting lessons made and posted the night before and then giving the lesson during the day..........her fear if that governments will keep this nonsense up into next year. Fortunately we are in Georgia where that is not as tolerated.

  8. Truthful and humorous look at homeschooling.

    The other Rick

  9. Where we live they told the kids your grade couldn't go down only up so most of the kid aren't even going to the digital class because there grade can't go down who had the bright idea to tell teenagers that

  10. I teach in Oregon and we were mandated to not instruct for more than 10 minutes and the actual work couldn't take more than 30 minutes..... Fn pathetic, and maybe 20% of my students are doing the work.


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