
Thursday, April 16, 2020


Every time I hear anything or see a picture of the Titanic I think about the time my ex insisted that I take her to the theater to see the movie. I didn't want to go but I figured it would be better to be bored for a couple hours rather than listen to her bitch at me for the next week or so.
So here I am, bored out of my fucking mind, when the ship starts to go down. My ex was one of those women that cried at the drop of a hat, and she's sitting there next to me sniveling away when the scene comes up where the ship is nosed over and sliding below the surface. The theater is completely quiet except for my ex crying, and then somebody jumps off the stern and hits the prop which is out of the water and there's a loud DING! as he clips it. I busted out laughing.
Fuuuck, my ex was pissed. I caught hell over that shit for months. I should've just went fishing instead of taking her to the movies - I'd have only heard about that for a week.


  1. Wife really wanted to go see it. Got there and, for the ad of another movie about a meteor hitting the earth, she said she wouldn't want to see that one because "I don't like disaster movies."
    Me - ???????

  2. Nothing like blood and gore to lighten the moment, eh?

  3. Sounded more like BONG! to me. I said "That's gonna leave a mark."

  4. The woman wanted me to watch that with her. I asked, "isn't this the one where the boat sinks?". She went with some of her girlfriends.

  5. I laughed at exactly the same moment! There were three 13-14-year-old girls in the row in front of me who were sniffling and tearing, while my date and I were going back-and-forth with "c'mon, somebody hit a prop blade" and "I wanna hear a DONK!" Then it happened, and we both burst out laughing and applauded. Lord, I miss that woman. Raised by wolves, she was.

  6. What! No spoiler alert? I've never seen the movie and now it's ruined. Cross that one off my list.

  7. The USS Titanic... Well they wouldn't let Jack Johnson on board, they said this ship dont haul no coal.

  8. I about snorted bourbon over some of these comments. I remember the guy hitting the prop because I wasn't the only one laughing. Yeah, the old lady was a little warm, but WTF?

  9. I am laughing so hard I can't hardly see to type. Sounds exactly like something I would do.

  10. That's one of the best stories about seeing that shit-assed movie that I've heard. Bless you, sir.

  11. I remember watching this in the theater with my date (later my wife). After the ship sank (oops! spoiler alert!), both the movie and the audience were dead quiet. You could hear a pin drop. And other things as well.

    You may remember that “Titanic” was released in late 1997, and remained in theaters well into 1998. You may also remember that “Grease” was re-released in 1998 for its 20th anniversary. This night, it was playing in the adjacent theater. Loudly.

    So we got to watch the most solemn, quiet moment of that blockbuster disaster movie while listening to (and, under our breath, singing along to) “We Go Together”.

  12. One would have to have a heart of absolute stone not to laugh at that moment. Best scene in the movie.

    Years later, watching the opening of 'Inception' at a drive-in (and after one or two adult beverages), at the scene where Leo DiCaprio is laying on the beach, I exclaimed in a slightly-too-loud voice, "DAMN! Is he just now washing up from TITANIC?" Lots of dirty looks, but several snorts and giggles, too.


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