
Thursday, April 16, 2020

Your Feel-Good Story of the Day

SEMINOLE, Pa. (KDKA/CNN) - A big wish has come true for a 93-year-old beer lover in Pennsylvania after she posted a sign at her house that read “I need more beer” amid her coronavirus-induced isolation.

Representatives from Molson Coors showed up at 93-year-old Olive Veronesi’s door Monday and dropped off 10 cases of beer, totaling 150 cans. Veronesi wasted no time, cracking open a cold one right on the front porch.


  1. You would think, that at 93, she'd realize by now that Coors Light ain't beer.

    1. Yeah, but as my sweetheart (and now wife) likes to answer - when asked: What’s your favorite beer?

      Why - free beer, of course!

  2. Since when are there only 15 cans in a case? I guess it's been a while since I bought beer.


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