
Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Michigan governor adds US Flags to 'non-essential' list

Michigan’s Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer expanded on her draconian list of forbidden items to purchase during the coronavirus lockdown — which now includes the U.S. flag.

Whitmer had prohibited the sale of seeds, gardening products, and other items she deemed “non-essential” in an executive order on Thursday, prompting outrage from businesses and individuals in the state.

But now it seems U.S. flags are another item Whitmer arbitrarily deemed “non-essential.”


  1. Gretch the gov is sure heading to a tar and feather party as the dishonored guest...

  2. Commie bitch needs to be frog marched out to the middle of town and introduced to a rope.

    Pitch forks and torches.

    Only a matter of time I think.

  3. I read yesterday that Michigan’s Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer is also the subject of a recall campaign that has over 130,000 signatures so far.

  4. I don't think this is actually correct. I believe that she has said that garden centers in places like Lowes, Menards, etc., have to rope the garden centers off of the rest of the stores. So if the flags are in that area, then they won't be able to be sold. But the store could always move them out of the roped off areas.

  5. Who the heck is a governor/mayor to determine what you can and cannot buy? Do they actually have the king-like authority to make declarations with the force of law? That .45 on my hip is taking on a new importance.

  6. That bitch needs to be escorted out of office the hard way.

  7. Ok Michigans, how much more of this cunt's shit are you going to take? Fire her sorry ass and escort her off the premises with malice.

  8. I was at a local grocery store today and they had flags for sale. Seeds also. Pigpen51 is correct. I'm still pissed that she closed all the boat launches. She needs to be sent to prison for being such a bitch. Or worse....


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