
Monday, April 13, 2020

Michigan Governor's motorboat closure oversteps necessary precautions

Effective at midnight Friday, the use of motorized boats in Michigan will be prohibited per an Executive Order (EO) from the governor. This order extends to fishing from a boat with a gas or electric (trolling) motor affixed to it.
Michigan United Conservation Clubs (MUCC) was founded in 1937 on the principles of conservation and protecting scientific management from politics, but Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s recent decision to prohibit the use of motorized boats or similar watercraft statewide is not scientific, nor necessary.
-Joe Mama


  1. Now is the time that all law enforcement departments make the decision;
    Do we ignore unlawful orders or do we just do what were told and load them into the box cars.


  2. This is right up there with the governor of Washington who prohibited fishing. These Demonrats need to be given a lesson in old fashioned public punishment. Tar, feathers and a rail.


  3. I can't tell you how fucking pissed off I am about this. I brought my boat back from storage last week and was getting it ready to go. Then this.
    That bitch can rot in hell! I fish by myself. Who is going to get hurt by me fishing by myself? Fucking cunt!

  4. She will try to be your next Vice President. . . .

  5. Who will step up and give her six cases of covid all at once? It might help to use a box cutter.

  6. Yeah, and you can't even buy a garden hose there now too. So much for getting the garden started. New Hampshire you can't buy seeds to start one. Dems all need to be sent packing -- some republicans too!!!!!


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