
Monday, April 13, 2020

Screw you, I'll do what I want

VIRGINIA (CNN) — Democratic Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam on Friday signed five gun measures into law, including a background checks bill and an “extreme risk protective order.” The slate of bills prompted a large gun-rights rally in January, with about 22,000 gathering in protest at Virginia’s state capitol. The legislation has also fueled a pro-gun movement across the state known as “Second Amendment sanctuaries,” or localities that vow not to enforce what some officials in those regions have called “unconstitutional” gun laws.


  1. Was this before or after he signed the bill relaxing abortion restrictions?

  2. Someone needs to introduce him to the real serious form of covid.

  3. And he is releasing criminals from jails also.
    Of course they will abide by the stay at home order.....


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