
Monday, April 20, 2020

Spam plant shuts down - wait for widespread panic and despair in Hawaii

A cluster of COVID-19 cases forced health officials in Illinois to shutter Hormel's Rochelle Foods plant on Friday.

Ogle County Health Department (OCHD) said the food processing plant would be closed for at least two weeks. On Friday (April 17), the facility was linked to 19 cases across Ogle County, three in Whiteside County, and two in Winnebago County, reported Daily Chronicle.

The facility employs more than 800 workers, many of whom have been sent home on paid leave. The facility will have 48 hours to comply with new health measures to mitigate the spread of the virus.


  1. The only Spam in my grocery store is Spam Lite and just like veggie burgers, nobody is touching that shit.

  2. I don't eat the stuff. The nitrates aggravate my cardiac arrhythmia. I do know that there are a lot of people out there that eat it, especially in Hawaii. I think someone once posted on these pages that it's that national food there, no disrespect to Hawaiians intended.

    So, I guess the lack of Spam on the grocery store shelves will continue.

    This plant closing along with several other beef, chicken and pork slaughter houses and packing plants don't bode well for the food supply going forward.


    1. In Hawaii, as everywhere else, the people who grow their food will be fine. When we lived on O'ahu, we traded food from the ocean with the upland ranchers (diary, eggs, chicken, pork, veggies). With this current situation, I reckon the city folk think they can just wander to the country and take.

      The other Rick

  3. Spam shortage? Dang, I'm gonna have to find another laxative.

  4. I think the Marianas eat more Spam than Hawaii. Chicken and spam for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and in between. People grill chicken everywhere. Even at the front door of the high school. But Spam is a real treat.

    The other Rick

  5. Thank God I have some in reserve!

  6. Spam was first produced in 1937. Now that demand has spiked up, Hormel has announced they planned to start making a second batch. Should be on the store shelves soon.

  7. Damn, that means Spam is gonna rise to $10.00 a can. I remember when it was 75cents, three for a $1.00 sometimes.

  8. Chinese companies are, explicitly or implicitly, arms of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The CCP is the government. The CCP has been trying to supplant the US as the global superpower for a wide variety of reasons.

    For years, Chinese companies have buying US food processing companies, mostly pork and meat producers. They own Smithfield (and others); Smithfield owns a staggering number of other brands of processed food manufacturers. These companies are closing due to the virus.

    Chinese companies export Fentanyl directly to the US and indirectly through the Mexican cartels. These companies produce and export the chemical agents that the necessary precursors to the processing of methamphetamine and cocaine.

    The drug imports have killed hundreds of thousands of Americans and contribute to the lawlessness and murder rates in our cities and some rural communities. The shuttered food companies will cause social unrest and food shortages that may yield more death. All of these actions contribute to their desire to unseat us as the economic superpower.

    The CCP is engaged in a war with us. Their actions contribute directly or indirectly to the death of many Americans and to civil unrest that may have more serious implications. And then they "accidentally" release this deadly pandemic virus on the world.

    If I were president, I would stop all trade with China immediately and use the DPA to temporarily seize all Chinese food production facilities in the country. The Chinese economy cannot feed their own people without imported food. Let the bastards starve. See how long the newly created middle/upper class citizens like watching their precious little children starve. Sorry if that sounds cold; but, this is a real war and we will lose if we do not wake up and see the reality in the situation.


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