
Monday, April 20, 2020

Because socialism isn't a brutal barbarian society, right?

According to democratic socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the Covid-19 pandemic is proving that the United States “is a brutal, barbarian society for the vast majority of working-class Americans.” As evidence of this, she claims that “40% of us couldn’t even afford a $400 emergency” before this crisis, and Covid-19 “is more than a $400 emergency.”

However, her “40%–$400” statistic is false, and the facts that broadly inform this issue reveal that:


  1. A poor nation here a bartender makes $174,000 per year.

    1. She probably sucked dick for $170,000 of that.

    2. $170,000.25... "hey, AOC! Who gave you the quarter?"

  2. Well all right, then. Donkey Chompers* should shut her mouth. After apologizing for misstatements. *Courtesy of Ace of Spades.

  3. A product of the B.U. economics program who learned nothing in four years except how to present manipulated numbers to people with the IQ of a gnat.

    Sorry for insulting gnats.


  4. To hell with that little bitch. This thing is tough on a lot of people but how many spent their stimulus check on a big screen TV made in China instead of groceries? Life happens and it ain't always fair.

  5. All she wants to do is give illegals our hard-earned tax dollars. She and her ilk can go fuck off!

  6. I'd hazard to bet, that a majority of folks who haven't $400 for an emergency. Have the latest hi-tech phone, flat screen TV, premium cable, a car and house payment that's beyond their means, several credit cards, cause they deserve the latest "stuff." And like government, they run up debt they can't afford to pay back. Then you have a ton of folks who live on the dole and work the welfare system. Not everyone, and for those who work hard and try, I feel sympathy for their situation. But it seems that it's unimaginable for most folks to live BELOW their means and save for a rainy day. But then I'm talking about government spending again ya know.

  7. I submit that this twatwaffle doesn't have the slightest fucking clue what life is like in "a brutal, barbarian society". I doubt very seriously she's even been out of the country.

  8. That ignorant bitch is the prime example of a useful idiot.


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