
Friday, May 29, 2020

And twenty percent would fight your ass if you force it on us

(AP) -- Only about half of Americans say they would get a COVID-19 vaccine if the scientists working furiously to create one succeed, according to a new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.

Neal Browning receives a shot in the first-stage safety study clinical trial of a potential vaccine for COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus, Monday, March 16, 2020, at the Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute in Seattle. Browning is the second patient to receive the shot in the study. (Source: AP Photo/Ted S. Warren)
That’s surprisingly low considering the effort going into the global race for a vaccine against the coronavirus that has sparked a pandemic since first emerging from China late last year. But more people might eventually roll up their sleeves: The poll, released Wednesday, found 31% simply weren’t sure if they’d get vaccinated. Another 1 in 5 said they’d refuse.


  1. Don't need no vaccine don't want no vaccine, ain't getting no vaccine.
    Period, end of discussion.

    1. Perfect and took the words right from me.
      FUCK Them.

  2. The good part is that the availability of a vaccine would make continuing any form of lockdown impossible to enforce. The justification for all kinds of compulsions is that you are supposedly putting other people's lives in danger. If a vaccine were available you can justifiably say, well if they didn't get the jab then it's their problem.

  3. I only get injections of medicines that have been around for more than twenty years. I figure that's long enough to discover if they're harmful.

    1. I'm with you. I'm not getting a Kung Flu shot until it's been around for a least a year, and maybe not even then, or until they know demonstrably how effective it is and what, if any, bad effects it has.

      Every time the VA asks me if I want a flu shot and I refuse they ask me why I'm refusing. I ask them if they can tell what strains of the flu the shot protects against. They of course reply that they don't know. Then I ask them if they know how effective a flu shot is generally. Mostly they reply they don't know. When I inform them that it's generally around 40%, most of them are surprised. I then ask them if, as thinking people, getting a flu shot makes sense given their demonstrated lack of knowledge about what's in it and the general effectivity of any year's flu shot. I generally get the three headed stare in return.


  4. How long have they been working on a cancer vaccine? And how long have they been working on a vaccine for the common cold? And how long have they been working on a reliable vaccine for the flu? And they think they can whip up a vaccine for the corona in a few months? What ever they come up with will fuck us up worse than getting the disease.

    1. Cancer is caused by many things and takes on many forms. It's not one thing, but a large family of things. Likewise, the common cold is caused by over 200 different viruses, mostly by different types of rhinovirus, but also coronaviruses, and a handful of others. The good thing about coronavirus versus the flu is that its DNA comes in 1 single segment, whereas influenza has 8 segments. If two types of influenza infect the same cells, they'll in effect mix and match different segments. That means influenza mutates very rapidly compared to coronavirus. That rapid mutation rate is why there's no such as a perfectly reliable flu vaccine. There are many types out there, and there's no way to perfectly predict which one of several major and minor strains will be the biggest ones this fall (but production has to start right now, or it won't be ready in time). Some years they guess right and it's pretty effective. Other years it a bust. But if you're in an at-risk group for flu (immuno-compromised, elderly, lung diseases or conditions, and several others), then reducing your chances of some serious shit happening to you by 40% is a pretty good deal.

  5. Simple solution: Those who refuse vaccination have to pay their own medical bills if they catch the disease.

    1. I am so sick of this idiotic statement, usually referring to the lock down protesters.
      Do you tell that to normal anti-vax people?
      Do you get a flu vax every yr? How about pneumonia?
      Are you all up to date on any other vaccines?
      Do you drink, smoke, eat fatty foods and\or excessive sodas?
      Do you exercise regularly, drink water and get plenty of sleep each night?
      Do you mt climb, ski, ride motorbikes or other extreme sports?
      Everything we do in life is OUR choice, end of discussion. There are many risks in life and many things everyone does that increase those risks. We don't generally go around saying you need to pay your own way for that, we should not have to, do we?

      We are discussing logical reasons why it might not be a good idea to take this particular vaccine right away. (I hardly ever want to be the first as that is still technically a test group.)
      Part of that is the fact this is not the black plague they told us it would be is it? You need to look at the numbers, at least what are available, and see for yourself (hopefully) that we have been hoodwinked and flat out lied to re: WuHan flu.

      My state, WA, has been locked down by his Highness King Inslee (ptew) for a little over 1100 deaths attributed to this flu. AND, some of them are very questionable including at least one gun shot victim.

    2. And here we are, so I'm telling you the same answer to the wear\not wear a mask in public....... My rights don't end where your bullshit fears Fuck off

  6. Um, excuse me, Mr Gates, but please can I get microchipped like a dog *without* the vaccine?

  7. A vaccine for Chinese Flu? They have been working on it for less than 6 months. Isn't it supposed to have similar markers as AIDS? Haven't they been working on a vaccine for AIDs for about 40 years?

    I will get one of the vaccines as soon as I finish my beach front house in Tennessee.

  8. Isnt the Regular Flu a virus? Uh Huhh,, and How does that shot work? My wife has to take the flu shot,, or lose her job,, and she gets sick from it every year. Ive never take one, and if Ive ever had the flu, I couldnt say when,, Im not antiscience, or even antivaccine, but I am AntiPOison, and they put stuff in vaccines that cant be put into a living organism without causing harm,so,, No thanks,, Viruses mutate, and they arent good at hitting the flu virus, and theyven been working on that for many years.. Odds of them coming up with a safe and effective vaccine for this CV stuff seems REally low to me.. I wouldnt buy a New make/Model car,, because it takes a while to work the bugs out,, A car? I can get rid of one of those,, UNinjecting something that isnt good might be harder to fix,,
    Put me in the No Thanks column, please

  9. Found this after perusing 90 miles from Tyranny:

    ALL of this is forwarding the controllers' agenda to exert as much control as possible. Always.

  10. Given the fact that the 'experts' have been wrong on everything they've been telling us, that the goal posts get moved every week, that they've been lying to us about the fatalities--and even ADMITTING that they're lying...if you're not just a little skeptical then you're not paying attention. I've never had a flu shot of any flavor and have no plans to get any. I haven't worn a mask and have only taken shit from woke-scolds on a couple of occasions. It's a shame that it took a bad cop to start these riots as I was hoping for some legitimate protests to pop up as push back. Now the riots will give the politicians another reason to keep us locked down. Time for insurrection, says I.

  11. I've been getting flu shots ever since my employer was giving them back in the last century. Never had a reaction and haven't had the flu since. But, I'm not interested in a vaccine which was rushed into production. A techrep for some hardware we had in the data center used to tell me, "There's a new fix out but let me try it on "X" (name withheld) first. After a few years, I may take it.

  12. The only bad reaction I ever had to a flu shot. Was at Fort Carson Colorado when the first swine flu shots came out in the 1970's the Stupid nurse/ medic flicked her damn wrist and bent the needle then she turns around and gave me another one. I was So sick that night I would sleep for two hours get up puke the water I had drank previously drink some more water lay down and and repeat the process the whole night.

  13. The CDC can't even figure out the number of annual deaths from the regular flu. So the numbers you hear quoted every year as just "estimates" and that figure is never reconciled with the actual number. I wouldn't trust them by injecting an unproven concoction of chemicals into my body.

  14. no just no, Hell no!

  15. Sickest I've ever been in my life was after getting a flu shot in the Army. Always figured out how to avoid them after that. Haven't had the flu since, either. Come to think of it, I never had it before.

    As for those who think they can shame me by suggesting that if I don't get the shot, I should pay for my own healthcare, I already pay for my own dang healthcare, asshole!


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