
Thursday, May 14, 2020

Damn, man. Leave some 2A for me too...


  1. Dumbasses like that don't do gun rights any good whatsoever. Hey Bubba, I think I'll carry a AT4 tube to the rally. What you bringin?
    Fucking dumbass.

    1. He may be carrying his beer in there, just sayin

    2. Often times, 'gun-larping' (as one asshole supposedly pro-gun blogger and writer calls it) like this is done purposely because some butt-wipe of a government drone went all cray-cray when he/she/it saw/encountered someone doing a discrete open carry.

      Like the 2nd FL Carry 'open carry fishing event.' Where everyone was wearing a Matrix collection of guns on them. Why? Because the first FL Carry 'open carry fishing event,' which was to show people that you can legally open carry when fishing in Florida, went sideways when Miami Beach cops freaked and violated Florida Law.


      This is a setup by some newsie in order to generate outrage.

      Either way, screw you, because what fucking part of Shall not be INFRINGED don't you FUCKING UNDERSTAND? GO READ THE WHOLE FUCKING 2nd AMENDMENT, you backsliding quisling of a turd burglar.

      Seriously, you sound just like those assholes in the NRA who spout about how no-one needs a semiauto or full auto rifle, as hunting with a boltie is good enough.

      FUUUUUUUUUUCCCCKKKKK. It ain't about hunting, or your whiny assed feeling. Assholes like you are the reason for California, New York, Massachusetts and now Virginia have all fucking gone to the fucking dark side.

      Damn. What next? Any speech is free, except 'hate speech', right? Or no hate crimes can be done against white peeepooo because white, right?

      The 2nd Amendment has no fucking grey area in it. Muh Butthurt isn't a good enough reason for you or anyone else to violate my God-given right to carry whatever I can fucking afford.

  2. Hello, po-leece department? This is Ruben's Hamburgers and I just wanted to report a customer carrying one of those mobile Scud missules.

  3. You've got the Dumbass bitch Michigan governor carping about demonstrations and people armed with rifles Now this Dumbass carries a empty tube for an AT-4 around like a Rambo wannabe. Why give our 2nd Amendment opponents ammunition to use against us. very Stupid. don't EVER Give your opponents a free shot.

    1. Hah, another Quisling speaks up.

      By this time what hasn't anti-2a people used against us? Seriously, shitheads like you have destroyed the NRA. And been used by the anti-2A people you supposedly abhor.

      You sound like a Never-Trumper cuck.

      It's 4 fucking words. SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. What shall not be infringed? The right of the people to keep and bear arms. That's what.

      So whiny pussbags like you get all bent because someone is carrying an empty (or not) tube and two pistols? So? Fuckit. If he wants to carry a BAR or a couple LAWS or a Carl Gustav or a PPK or whatever, let the mother-fucker carry them. Who cares? Who really is getting hurt by him buying coffee? Are you? Is the teller?

      Butthurt isn't a valid reason to violate his rights. When do the rights of others to do what you are too fucking chicken to do mean less than what you do?

      What part of the whole Gun Rights picture don't you fucking understand?

      Damn. Next thing you'll tell me is it is okay for illegal aliens to vote in US elections. Right?

  4. Man, that brings back memories. Temp NCOIC of the Bumfuck, Afghanistan Troop Medical Clinic, living in the transit barracks next to a moslem graveyard that doubled as the helicopter refueling point. Had an AT-4 parked next to my bunk for a couple days while one of the 34th ID guys was passing through. After he left, another guy with a LAW strapped to his ruck. Thought those things were out of the system by then, mentioned it to a medic Corporal at the TMC who said no, I used one on a haji hooch a couple months ago....Since he had a live grenade with a happy face painted on it in his web gear, took him at his word.

  5. Wish I could post some pics; had Little Birds, CH 47s, and Mil Mi-4s refueling damn near daily while I was there.

  6. It's not real. There is a series of these, with everyone carrying fake weapons. Not even good fake weapons. Take a good close look. (I'm not sure how to upload pictures here, so I'm posting a link which you can remove if you want)

  7. Beats the hell out of a Dragon ATM. Those things were a bitch to tote around - especially the sighting systems for them. Mess one up or lose it, and it was a $10,000 statement of charges. Forget about one of the thermal night sights. I think they were $25k.


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