
Thursday, May 21, 2020

More rooms needed as homeless Californians quarantine in hotels amid pandemic

Anxiety mounted every time someone at the homeless shelter sneezed or residents got too close. For Matthew Padilla, a 34-year-old with a pacemaker and asthma, catching the novel coronavirus would likely mean death.


I can just hear the wailing and gnashing of teeth of hotel owners and managers in California over this shit and I can't wait to see them trying to forcibly evict all these homeless when the 'crisis' is over.


  1. "...I can't wait to see them trying to forcibly evict all these homeless when the 'crisis' is over."

    There's the catch. The crisis is never over for the so-called progs. Those hotel owners got bent over and fucked without the courtesy of a reach-around as their property is now the State's, and will from now on be ghetto .gov "housing".

  2. I'm fairly sure that that the state of cali will expect the hotel owners to eat the cost of the damage to the rooms, and the direct and associate costs of evicting the bums after payment stops.


  3. According to this story:

    Only Half of All Hotel Rooms for Homeless Filled in California

  4. "when the crisis is over" They're already telling us that it isn't EVER going to be over. IMHO, they haven't developed an effective vaccine for AIDS yet, despite billions of dollars and decades of research, so in a few short months a safe effective COVID vaccine is going to developed? How about the flu? Ya, they tell you to get a flu shot EVERY YEAR, yet hundreds of thousands of in the USA get the flu EVERY YEAR and ~25000 die from it and the CDC even tells us that flu shots are only about 40% effective. How many actually get the Flu each year? THEY DON'T KNOW because the vast majority of people that get it don't report it. So, as with most epidemiological things THEY'RE GUESSING. Look at all of the COVID "MODEL" information touted by Birx and Fauci and used as the basis for worldwide lockdowns they were passing along early on that proved to be HORSESHIT. How about the "masks aren't effective" that 180ed a few weeks later to "everyone should wear a mask when out and about" with some jurisdictions requiring masks BY EDICT? One of the best bullshit info pieces was "warm humid weather will kill the virus" when it was raging in the Australian, Indian, and Vietnam summer and in Hawaii where it's warm and humid year round. How about when governors of NY, NJ and MA, among others, ORDERED known COVID patients into nursing homes and VETERANS HOMES among already frail and sickly residents and RESIDENTS DIED BY THE THOUSANDS and those governors will NEVER be held accountable.

    In this whole "pandemic", the people that are supposed to be and tell they are "looking out for our welfare" really don't know what the hell they're doing, Fauci especially. So any .gov "requirement" to get vaccinated for COVID when they won't have had sufficient information to make a determination on safety and effectivity is blowing smoke up all our asses.


  5. Get your marshmallows there are going to be a rash of 'accidental' hotel fires in the future.

  6. I don't think I want to be among the first 50 people to stay in one of those rooms.

    I stayed at a long-stay suites hotel last summer, and ended up across the hall from the grossest room I've ever seen. You could smell it just getting of the elevator. I stayed one night and discovered I had bugs the next morning. It was somebody on assistance if I heard it right. They left the door open while they were preparing to clean it, and I must have seen 20 or 30 fast food boxes, garbage everywhere, overflowing garbage cans. I mean NASTY.

    Now visualize how it will look after a mentally ill or homeless drug addict stays there. It won't be pretty.


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