I saw this last night on the tube. I'm listening and saying to myself this is crazy. I'm not getting one until they prove it's safe AND effective. Until then..."The policy of the American government is to leave their citizens free, neither restraining nor aiding them in their pursuits." - Thomas Jefferson
I saw this interview last night. Alan Dershowitz might as well have been saying "The Government has the right to inject you with whatever they want to".
I wish I could tell that guy to his face that I want him to die in a house fire or plane crash or any other epic incident to help him to stop breathing our air.
Relax, there's not going to be a vaccine for this Woo-woohan. It's already mutated into many different strains rendering it almost impossible to come up with a viable vaccine. There's no vaccine for the common cold because there's too many strains of it making it impossible to come up with a vaccine. The Woo-woohan has already mutated. Supposedly there's a European strain of the Woo-woohan and a Chinese strain. Those 2 strains have already mutated. The one in China is taking off again. The Chicoms know they will not have a vaccine. They might take the existing virus and start mixing it with other deadly viruses, and we've got ourselves into a death spiral of the planet.
Ummmm, it doesn't matter that there won't be a vaccination for the reasons you state above. The point is there WILL be a vaccination for..........something, and you will be required to get it.
It's kinda funny that flu vaccinations are not mandatory, which is just as virulent as Corona and every bit as deadly. Polio vaccine, mumps, measles, diptheria, and whooping cough are just as dangerous, but only school children are required to have them.
So what's so special about a Corona Cootie Vaccine?
Let me get this right. I have NO RIGHT not to be vaccinated with something that DOES NOT EXIST YET? He's claiming constitutional authority for the government to force me to be a medical guinea pig?
Because, you know, that worked so well in the Tuskegee syphilis experiment.
I just want to remind people that are advocating for forced vaccinations or forced arms confiscation: we lose census workers in Tennessee, Kentucky, West Virginia every time. All they are asking is how many people live there. Not to stab them with a needle or take their guns; they're just asking if someone lives there and they're dying. Do these folks really believe that going to these same areas where we lose census workers are going to magically accept unproven vaccines and gun seizures? Get your popcorn ready.
Comparing Trump unfavorably to Hillary Clinton in October 2016, Dershowitz remarked, "I think there's no comparison between who has engaged in more corruption and who is more likely to continue that if elected President of the United States." Dershowitz joined 45th President Donald Trump's legal team as Trump was defending against impeachment charges. He may change his mind if he cant get a book published about Covid-19.
Easy enough to enforce when a handful refuse, when 5,000,000 refuse a different story. Start organizing your "Vaccine Sanctuary Counties" now and stop the madness before it can take hold. If your sheriff refuses, get a new sheriff. Scurvy
Not in this or any other universe. I'm only 20 mi. away from this Dershowitz clownshoe. He's welcome to come debate the idea in person to my Marlin and I.
Well, consider who (used to be) the law-abiding, hard-working, peaceful portion of our civilization. Of course this "vaccine" is aimed at the white conservative working population. And hell no. I no longer trust medical procedures until they have at least a 1 year history of successful use. As stated above: see the Tuskeegee syphilis experiments, andbthe samebtime experiments with electro-shock and insulin shock therapies as treatments for anxiety and emotional trauma. These totalitarian assh*les are standing in a lake of gasoline and complaining that their matches won't strile a light. John in Indy
It is very troubling when a lawyer with the credentials of Alan Dershowitz asserts that we are powerless to resist the 'public health' mandates of our government. Especially when it pertains to a 'seasonal flu' type malady. Worse, the track record of the actual successes of such vaccines is abysmally low. I point out the annual flu shots as an example of a best guess type of medicine that is not guaranteed to actually protect you from anything that actually is coming.
We have seen in this 'epidemic' government overreach on epic levels and for the most part people have rolled over in submission to the orders of our commissars. We are in effect granting the government this control and only we can revoke it but it will not be easy due to the years of indoctrination that has taken place in our education system creating mindless socialist drones.
I, myself, would rather fight it out to the last to not be injected with anything the government 'Demands' I be inoculated with.
I see a huge distinction between a Polio Vaccine that is obviously successful along with Tetanus and a few other vaccines and the "Annual (Maybe it works or maybe it doesn't) Flu" shots or any others such as Covid19.
The actual peril involved with Covid19 is minuscule as compared to Polio, and other terrible maladies we have medically conquered in the last century. Any attempt to create a 'National Vaccine' for Covid19 is going to be more of a scam than anything else along with being another exercise in forcing the public's submission to the socialists agenda.
I, myself, would rather fight it out to the last to not be injected with anything the government 'Demands' I be inoculated with... Better be in a Community that shares your view otherwise you will just be another crazy that wanted to endanger people around her that had to be put down like a rabid dog...
Remember, what they say about suing gun manufacturers under the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act is actually true about vaccines. You can sue a gun maker who puts out a defective product. Vaccine manufacturers are protected from lawsuits stemming from defective vaccines. 42 U.S. Code § 300aa–22.Standards of responsibility
(1)No vaccine manufacturer shall be liable in a civil action for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death associated with the administration of a vaccine after October 1, 1988, if the injury or death resulted from side effects that were unavoidable even though the vaccine was properly prepared and was accompanied by proper directions and warnings.
https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/42/300aa-22 if you want to read the whole law.
So your wife or grandkids get a vaccine and die 3 weeks later from the disease the vaccine gave them, you are just SOL. Well, unless you take the song "I got rights" by Hank Jr. to heart.
I was that shocked Alan Dershowitz, a Jewish American,would use the phrase, plunge a needle into your arm. It seems as if that is a case of been there,done that, got the tattoo. Since any vaccine carries some risk with it,including the possibility of death, there is no way that the government should be able to force me into getting it. Now, if they do attempt to force it on me, while they attempt to put a 20 something gauge hole in my arm, I am afraid that I will be attempting to put a 9mm hole in the agents of a tyrants chest or head. I have drawn a line,and know just where it is,and unlike Barack Hussein Obama, my line in the sand is permanent,and I won't ignore it. As far as my wife is concerned,that is trickier. Because we are one flesh,as the Bible describes it, I will encourage her to follow my example, and refuse the vaccine. But I am not her ruler, and will not force her to choose the same thing that I choose. It is a wise man who,while trying to live in a Biblical manner with his wife, treats her like Christ loves the church,and gave His life for it. He didn't force the church to do anything, other than to request us to love Him unconditionally. So I won't force my wife to take a vaccine or to refuse one. The Lord was kind to me,and gave me a wife with intelligence and discernment of her own, and I would be a stupid individual if I didn't allow her to use that intelligence for both herself,and sometimes for our family. A wife whose husband forces her to do things that she is not comfortable with, in public,in the living room, kitchen, or in the bedroom,will soon find out that his time with her in the bedroom will lose much of the passion and the glue that binds a man and woman together,in holy matrimony. As far as the government trying to force me to take a foreign substance into my body, there are only certain times that I can see them having the authority to do that. One is if you are in the military, when you are subject to the rules of military conduct. Now,we have an all voluntary military, so you have no real right to object. Another is if you seek certain benefits that the government says you must be vaccinated to obtain, like if you want food benefits, then you must have received the Guardasil shots. Then you have a choice. We have seen the liberals fall back for years on this next one. My body, my choice. Well, that is not just a catch phrase to justify a woman to kill an inconvenient child. It is a statement that the woman feels that her body is her own personal property, and the government has no legal or moral right to tell her what she can do with it, including killing a baby growing withing her body. There are millions of left wing Democrats who support this unGodly practice, and feel no remorse about it,but I am just guessing that there more left wing women who obtain an abortion,and live their lives,knowing that they have another brother or sister out there, just waiting and hoping for the chance to meet the long lost sister, whom they have been missing their entire lives for. Now that they have found her, imagine the sick calls after the weekend. A couple of days is not enough to catch up on anymore than to scratch the surface of a relationship that never took place.
Interesting. I told 'em when I was getting 15 shots back in 1961 after I signed on the dotted line and raised my right hand promising to defend the country against all foreign and domestic enemies I definitely didn't want to be vaccinated. My arms still hurt 59 years later.
I read that Bill Gates wants a chip included with every vaccine so that the feds can scan and see who has it and who doesn't. Of course, they would never use that chip to track us for any other reasons, would they?
Dershowitz is a member of a (tribe) who believe THEIR 'god' told them that ALL OTHER PEOPLE than (them)are Soulless, Animals, Beasts, and Slaves of (them). Their preachers constantly Affirm this view, referencing the (satanic) 'Babylonian Talmud'. Look it up, plenty of Truth out there for the Learning.
@Goldenfoxx "Relax, there's not going to be a vaccine for this Woo-woohan" It's not about a vaccine for WuFlu (as you know). It's about the power of the state to coerce individuals for "the public good". I've long said that the best way to keep young black men from getting killed is to lock up all young black men. Because the majority of the killers of black men are other black men (certainly not cops, nor people called McMichael). Also, about 50% of illegal killings are by young black men, so locking them up would benefit public health as well. Sure, this would majorly fuck over all the noncriminal young black men (and be illegal and unConstitutional), but from the public safety perspective it makes sense. I'd like to see Dershowitz get up on his hind legs and argue THAT on TV.
@Lineman Shhhh! It's NOT okay to notice. Also, HE is The Real Victim here. Got it?
Let's see, according to the democrats, a woman has a right to do with her body as she sees fit, but I have to give in and let the government do anything they wish to mine....I don't think so, Alan....
Those who try to enforce and/or participate in this HIGHLY illegal and immoral action will never return to their respective homes... Only a rumor of their demise will.
Dersh usually has his opinions based on case law. I know he's a lib but he doesn't change his stance due to politics. If he says there's case law, which he did, then there's case law and it can be interpreted to support the mandatory vaccine. I don't like it but remember, he hates Trump and has openly criticized Trump but was there to defend Trump in the impeachment scam. He's not going to fly off half cocked without case law to back his opinions
A lot of folks say they won't comply, but based on what I and my wife have been observing, most will comply. With something as simple as the Oompah Loompah governess of New Mexico "mandating" everyone wear a mask when out in public, and then saying herself the "mandate" does not have the force of law, you would think you'd see a lot of folks not wearing masks. After all, no legal risk not to, right?
At the grocery store, yesterday, there were 100 people inside. Only my wife and 3 other women were refusing to wear a mask. My wife called me and told me about it. I told her about the 3 percent who actively waged rebellion against King George. So, I said, we are doing better this time around. We have 4 percent!
All comments are moderated due to spam, drunks and trolls. Keep 'em civil, coherent, short, and on topic. Posted comments are the opinions of the commenters, not the site administrator.
I saw this last night on the tube. I'm listening and saying to myself this is crazy. I'm not getting one until they prove it's safe AND effective. Until then..."The policy of the American government is to leave their citizens free, neither restraining nor aiding them in their pursuits." - Thomas Jefferson
ReplyDeletethat is one i will be skipping
ReplyDeleteI saw this interview last night. Alan Dershowitz might as well have been saying "The Government has the right to inject you with whatever they want to".
ReplyDeletemy contempt is unspeakable
ReplyDeleteI'll have to wait and see what Dr. Oz says on Hannity today for clarification unless it's Lindsey Graham's turn to be on or is it O'Reilly's day?
ReplyDeleteI wish I could tell that guy to his face that I want him to die in a house fire or plane crash or any other epic incident to help him to stop breathing our air.
ReplyDeleteI wonder How they would enforce a required vaccination in Appalachia???????????????
ReplyDeleteI saw that episode on Andy Griffith
DeleteRelax, there's not going to be a vaccine for this Woo-woohan. It's already mutated into many different strains rendering it almost impossible to come up with a viable vaccine. There's no vaccine for the common cold because there's too many strains of it making it impossible to come up with a vaccine. The Woo-woohan has already mutated. Supposedly there's a European strain of the Woo-woohan and a Chinese strain. Those 2 strains have already mutated. The one in China is taking off again. The Chicoms know they will not have a vaccine. They might take the existing virus and start mixing it with other deadly viruses, and we've got ourselves into a death spiral of the planet.
ReplyDeleteUmmmm, it doesn't matter that there won't be a vaccination for the reasons you state above. The point is there WILL be a vaccination for..........something, and you will be required to get it.
DeleteIt's kinda funny that flu vaccinations are not mandatory, which is just as virulent as Corona and every bit as deadly. Polio vaccine, mumps, measles, diptheria, and whooping cough are just as dangerous, but only school children are required to have them.
DeleteSo what's so special about a Corona Cootie Vaccine?
Alan, you first.
ReplyDeleteAfter a couple months, we'll see about me.
Fuck a couple of Months 6 months to a year
DeleteSupposedly, Bill Gates, who is pushing for all manner of vaccinations, REFUSED to let HIS KIDS be vaccinated. hmmm...
DeleteToo many attorneys in our country.
ReplyDeleteLet me get this right. I have NO RIGHT not to be vaccinated with something that DOES NOT EXIST YET? He's claiming constitutional authority for the government to force me to be a medical guinea pig?
ReplyDeleteBecause, you know, that worked so well in the Tuskegee syphilis experiment.
See also: Swine Flu vaccine.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Go ahead, draw up your plans and start getting the ice blocks cut. It is about time to start building big igloos.
ReplyDeleteNOPE !!! and HELL NOPE !!!!!
ReplyDelete“My body, my choice” ???
ReplyDeleteOr is that for lefties only
I just want to remind people that are advocating for forced vaccinations or forced arms confiscation: we lose census workers in Tennessee, Kentucky, West Virginia every time. All they are asking is how many people live there. Not to stab them with a needle or take their guns; they're just asking if someone lives there and they're dying. Do these folks really believe that going to these same areas where we lose census workers are going to magically accept unproven vaccines and gun seizures? Get your popcorn ready.
ReplyDeleteComparing Trump unfavorably to Hillary Clinton in October 2016, Dershowitz remarked, "I think there's no comparison between who has engaged in more corruption and who is more likely to continue that if elected President of the United States." Dershowitz joined 45th President Donald Trump's legal team as Trump was defending against impeachment charges. He may change his mind if he cant get a book published about Covid-19.
ReplyDeleteEasy enough to enforce when a handful refuse, when 5,000,000 refuse a different story.
ReplyDeleteStart organizing your "Vaccine Sanctuary Counties" now and stop the madness before it can take hold. If your sheriff refuses, get a new sheriff.
Not in this or any other universe. I'm only 20 mi. away from this Dershowitz clownshoe. He's welcome to come debate the idea in person to my Marlin and I.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if he wants it for his countrymen as well or just for us white folks...I'm betting just the latter...
ReplyDeleteWell, consider who (used to be) the law-abiding, hard-working, peaceful portion of our civilization.
DeleteOf course this "vaccine" is aimed at the white conservative working population.
And hell no. I no longer trust medical procedures until they have at least a 1 year history of successful use.
As stated above: see the Tuskeegee syphilis experiments, andbthe samebtime experiments with electro-shock and insulin shock therapies as treatments for anxiety and emotional trauma.
These totalitarian assh*les are standing in a lake of gasoline and complaining that their matches won't strile a light.
John in Indy
It is very troubling when a lawyer with the credentials of Alan Dershowitz asserts that we are powerless to resist the 'public health' mandates of our government. Especially when it pertains to a 'seasonal flu' type malady. Worse, the track record of the actual successes of such vaccines is abysmally low. I point out the annual flu shots as an example of a best guess type of medicine that is not guaranteed to actually protect you from anything that actually is coming.
ReplyDeleteWe have seen in this 'epidemic' government overreach on epic levels and for the most part people have rolled over in submission to the orders of our commissars. We are in effect granting the government this control and only we can revoke it but it will not be easy due to the years of indoctrination that has taken place in our education system creating mindless socialist drones.
I, myself, would rather fight it out to the last to not be injected with anything the government 'Demands' I be inoculated with.
I see a huge distinction between a Polio Vaccine that is obviously successful along with Tetanus and a few other vaccines and the "Annual (Maybe it works or maybe it doesn't) Flu" shots or any others such as Covid19.
The actual peril involved with Covid19 is minuscule as compared to Polio, and other terrible maladies we have medically conquered in the last century. Any attempt to create a 'National Vaccine' for Covid19 is going to be more of a scam than anything else along with being another exercise in forcing the public's submission to the socialists agenda.
I, myself, would rather fight it out to the last to not be injected with anything the government 'Demands' I be inoculated with...
DeleteBetter be in a Community that shares your view otherwise you will just be another crazy that wanted to endanger people around her that had to be put down like a rabid dog...
My rights come from God! Who the fuck are you??
ReplyDeleteNo sorry your Rights come from whatever your able to defend...
DeleteGod's chosen.
Deletelineman, +1
DeleteApparently "Constitutional scholar" Dershowitz is unfamiliar with the Fourth Amendment.
ReplyDeleteRemember, what they say about suing gun manufacturers under the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act is actually true about vaccines. You can sue a gun maker who puts out a defective product. Vaccine manufacturers are protected from lawsuits stemming from defective vaccines.
ReplyDelete42 U.S. Code § 300aa–22.Standards of responsibility
(1)No vaccine manufacturer shall be liable in a civil action for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death associated with the administration of a vaccine after October 1, 1988, if the injury or death resulted from side effects that were unavoidable even though the vaccine was properly prepared and was accompanied by proper directions and warnings.
https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/42/300aa-22 if you want to read the whole law.
So your wife or grandkids get a vaccine and die 3 weeks later from the disease the vaccine gave them, you are just SOL. Well, unless you take the song "I got rights" by Hank Jr. to heart.
I was that shocked Alan Dershowitz, a Jewish American,would use the phrase, plunge a needle into your arm. It seems as if that is a case of been there,done that, got the tattoo.
ReplyDeleteSince any vaccine carries some risk with it,including the possibility of death, there is no way that the government should be able to force me into getting it. Now, if they do attempt to force it on me, while they attempt to put a 20 something gauge hole in my arm, I am afraid that I will be attempting to put a 9mm hole in the agents of a tyrants chest or head. I have drawn a line,and know just where it is,and unlike Barack Hussein Obama, my line in the sand is permanent,and I won't ignore it.
As far as my wife is concerned,that is trickier. Because we are one flesh,as the Bible describes it, I will encourage her to follow my example, and refuse the vaccine. But I am not her ruler, and will not force her to choose the same thing that I choose. It is a wise man who,while trying to live in a Biblical manner with his wife, treats her like Christ loves the church,and gave His life for it. He didn't force the church to do anything, other than to request us to love Him unconditionally. So I won't force my wife to take a vaccine or to refuse one. The Lord was kind to me,and gave me a wife with intelligence and discernment of her own, and I would be a stupid individual if I didn't allow her to use that intelligence for both herself,and sometimes for our family. A wife whose husband forces her to do things that she is not comfortable with, in public,in the living room, kitchen, or in the bedroom,will soon find out that his time with her in the bedroom will lose much of the passion and the glue that binds a man and woman together,in holy matrimony.
As far as the government trying to force me to take a foreign substance into my body, there are only certain times that I can see them having the authority to do that. One is if you are in the military, when you are subject to the rules of military conduct. Now,we have an all voluntary military, so you have no real right to object. Another is if you seek certain benefits that the government says you must be vaccinated to obtain, like if you want food benefits, then you must have received the Guardasil shots. Then you have a choice.
We have seen the liberals fall back for years on this next one. My body, my choice. Well, that is not just a catch phrase to justify a woman to kill an inconvenient child. It is a statement that the woman feels that her body is her own personal property, and the government has no legal or moral right to tell her what she can do with it, including killing a baby growing withing her body.
There are millions of left wing Democrats who support this unGodly practice, and feel no remorse about it,but I am just guessing that there more left wing women who obtain an abortion,and live their lives,knowing that they have another brother or sister out there, just waiting and hoping for the chance to meet the long lost sister, whom they have been missing their entire lives for. Now that they have found her, imagine the sick calls after the weekend. A couple of days is not enough to catch up on anymore than to scratch the surface of a relationship that never took place.
Interesting. I told 'em when I was getting 15 shots back in 1961 after I signed on the dotted line and raised my right hand promising to defend the country against all foreign and domestic enemies I definitely didn't want to be vaccinated. My arms still hurt 59 years later.
ReplyDeleteNo, nope, and hell no.
ReplyDeleteI would consider that an assault upon my person.
I read that Bill Gates wants a chip included with every vaccine so that the feds can scan and see who has it and who doesn't. Of course, they would never use that chip to track us for any other reasons, would they?
ReplyDeleteDershowitz is a member of a (tribe) who believe THEIR 'god' told them that ALL OTHER PEOPLE than (them)are Soulless, Animals, Beasts, and Slaves of (them). Their preachers constantly Affirm this view, referencing the (satanic) 'Babylonian Talmud'. Look it up, plenty of Truth out there for the Learning.
ReplyDelete"Relax, there's not going to be a vaccine for this Woo-woohan"
It's not about a vaccine for WuFlu (as you know). It's about the power of the state to coerce individuals for "the public good". I've long said that the best way to keep young black men from getting killed is to lock up all young black men. Because the majority of the killers of black men are other black men (certainly not cops, nor people called McMichael). Also, about 50% of illegal killings are by young black men, so locking them up would benefit public health as well. Sure, this would majorly fuck over all the noncriminal young black men (and be illegal and unConstitutional), but from the public safety perspective it makes sense. I'd like to see Dershowitz get up on his hind legs and argue THAT on TV.
Shhhh! It's NOT okay to notice.
Also, HE is The Real Victim here. Got it?
Miss you on our weekly calls Brother...
DeleteAre we still not noticing surnames in 2020? Time to wakey wakey.
ReplyDeleteLet's see, according to the democrats, a woman has a right to do with her body as she sees fit, but I have to give in and let the government do anything they wish to mine....I don't think so, Alan....
ReplyDeleteThose who try to enforce and/or participate
ReplyDeletein this HIGHLY illegal and immoral action will
never return to their respective homes...
Only a rumor of their demise will.
ReplyDelete"Forced vaccinations now can be legally stopped-- NO QUALITY CONTROL FOR 32 YEARS"
“You have NO RIGHT to NOT be raped”
ReplyDeleteMy body, my choice. What’s the difference?
Yes. Thank you very much.
The first fucker that trys that shit with me or mine will get a much larger hole than a needle provides.
ReplyDelete"Well fuck you" said I. As I cough up a boogie hawker and spit it into his face.
ReplyDeleteDersh usually has his opinions based on case law. I know he's a lib but he doesn't change his stance due to politics. If he says there's case law, which he did, then there's case law and it can be interpreted to support the mandatory vaccine. I don't like it but remember, he hates Trump and has openly criticized Trump but was there to defend Trump in the impeachment scam. He's not going to fly off half cocked without case law to back his opinions
ReplyDeleteMY rights come from God aka the All Mighty Creator, they are enforced by John Moses Browning and myself.
A lot of folks say they won't comply, but based on what I and my wife have been observing, most will comply. With something as simple as the Oompah Loompah governess of New Mexico "mandating" everyone wear a mask when out in public, and then saying herself the "mandate" does not have the force of law, you would think you'd see a lot of folks not wearing masks. After all, no legal risk not to, right?
ReplyDeleteAt the grocery store, yesterday, there were 100 people inside. Only my wife and 3 other women were refusing to wear a mask. My wife called me and told me about it. I told her about the 3 percent who actively waged rebellion against King George. So, I said, we are doing better this time around. We have 4 percent!
Give it your best shot, bigmouth - so will I.