
Thursday, June 18, 2020

Commentary: Anarchy, Seattle, and All That CHAZ

Three cities, all supremely liberal, represent an American descent into anarchy against which no one is standing.

After New York Mayor Bill de Blasio said he wanted to slash the police budget, the New York City Council is going about cutting $1 billion from that budget, about 16%. That will inevitably cause a reduction of police presence around the city and, with equal inevitability, result in an increase in crime.

In Minneapolis, where George Floyd was killed in police custody on May 25, the city council plans to disband its police force entirely. On Friday, the city council voted to replace the police with a “community-led public safety system.”

What the hell is a “community-led public safety system”? And then there’s Seattle.


  1. Regarding Seattle. I keep hearing, give CHAZ enough time and it will commit suicide. They’re not committing suicide as long as America’s enemies keep throwing money at them. Soros/Steyer management team are plotting several moves ahead. They are after violence and they’ve done an excellent job of engineering this rebellion up. They’ve managed to castrati our police forces. They have key political positions in their pocket and a political party that shares a lot of their views. Trump and the Feds are hamstrung. Politically and Constitutionally they are being prevented from taking action. So there’s nothing currently in the way of our enemies continually escalating the violence which they see as imperative. Our enemies weakness is their foot soldiers. A large percentage are just there for the party. The balance are the field generals/command and control.
    The solution to this is us. And Seattle is made to order. A relative stationary small group. We need a civilian group with name recognition like the Oath Keepers or III Percenters, to gather a group of about 100 gunfighters. The Seattle Police Union needs to be contacted and told to stand down. That or a case of the Blue Flu on a specified date. We need overwatch up high in strategic spots. The enemy needs to be infiltrated by people that are dressed just like them. Quick in quick out, the only forensics left behind would be empty brass. On a plane and out of state within an hour. Because this is such a “made to order” situation, we can’t wait on them to self district. They need to be crushed now and a message sent.

  2. What the hell is a “community-led public safety system”?
    My guess is sharia law or a form of vigilantism

    1. Think along the lines of the French Revolution's Committee of Public Safety. Once Robespierre got control of it, the Reign of Terror really got going.

    2. It's long for "NO-GO ZONE" like those in Sweden.

      Anybody have any shares in hand grenade companies?

  3. From across the pond in the UK it appears that Democrat ruled areas are doing everything that they can to cause a descent into anarchy which they think that they can then blame on Trump. I'm hoping that enough of the American people can see through such cynical manipulations and see where the blame really lies. Otherwise you are all completely screwed.

  4. Let's face it, when it comes to blm and those antifa fuckers, we're on our own.
    If they come to play, dope your scopes and let her ride.

  5. Let’s face a few facts here. The shitbag Marxists took over these cities decades ago. They are only stepping back for a minute to let their children demonstrate how to destroy other people’s shit on a grand and accelerated scale, instead of incrementally over years. And when the bread and circuses are over, they’ll either bitch that we did too much or to little about it and demand Americans tax dollars to fix all the shit they broke. I can think of a dozen ways to turn this soy fest off in a matter of hours or days, but simply isn’t going to happen. Local and/or state action isn’t coming and Federal action might result in a mutiny that would further’s perceived monopoly on the use of force. Nothing good comes from this shit no matter what. Let them stew in their own juices for as long as they want. Fuck em. I got better things to do, like teaching my grandkids how to drive a rifle.

  6. Good luck to 'em. I saw a report somewhere this morning that Chaz is making requests for food do nation. Apparently they started making these requests on the second of their utopia launch.


  7. A community-led public safety system will be akin to what the IRA operated in no-go areas - punishment beatings and knee-cappings for not toeing the line. Those that co-operate with the external police will be subject to 'disappearing' like Jean McConville ( )

  8. I think CHAZ has a great idea going, implementation needs some work. Autonomous zones should be created everywhere. Get the state out of the lives of the people that do not want any “help” from the government. Have areas where you can choose what laws you are subject to not born into.

  9. Still waiting on the answer to the question, where did the bricks come from?

    1. Dunno. The George Soros logos and name on each brick is obviously a conservative plant.

  10. Hold on a sec.

    We operate a small organic teaching farm near Eugene Oregon.
    The place is infested with bums, bumettes, and dope-fiends.
    The only force keeping them on this side of the dirt?
    Without LawEnforcementOfficials, we would have very little crime.
    Within hours without LawEnforcementOfficials, the goofballs would quickly notice a substantial thinning of their ranks.
    They either:
    * a) become contributing members of society, or
    * b) they hop the next train to a socialist paradise such as Seattle, frisco, Philadelphia, Venezuela.
    Their 'c' option is becoming agricultural supplements.

    Without LawEnforcementOfficials, the result of every crime is the death penalty.

  11. Looks like it's: "Every man woman, child, tyranny" for themselves

  12. Hey Everybody! Watch THIS! I suggest we apply this reduction to all future pensions in the NYPD. That'll fix the problem. For sure it'll work this time. Honest. Pinky finger swear.

  13. Watch todays interview with the warlord Raz Simone. Hotep Jesus channel. Unfiltered. Nothing like what the news is portraying. Raz is pro conservative, pro 2nd amemd, pro police, pro capitalism, pro small gov, says it has to change to all lives matter? But maybe the video is fake and mainstream is correct? You decide.

  14. The absurd thing about CHAZ is the city is enabling them with porta-potties and God knows what else, when they SHOULD just shut off all the utilities and blockade any supplies coming in. It wouldn't take long for them to leave the area. Either that or B_Rad's idea.


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