
Thursday, June 18, 2020

A Boise church ‘repents’ and will remove a Confederate icon

BOISE, Idaho – One of Boise’s largest churches is removing a controversial reminder of Idaho’s connections to the Confederacy – a stained-glass window featuring Confederate General Robert E. Lee.

The Cathedral of the Rockies installed stained-glass windows for its then-new building in downtown Boise in 1960. Church documents show that the window, featuring Lee standing with Presidents Abraham Lincoln and George Washington, was meant as an “inclusive nod to Southerners who have settled in Boise,” said the Rev. Duane Anders, senior pastor.


  1. As long as they replace it with an artistic rendering of Snoop Dog...

    1. How about George Floyd pointing a gun at the belly of a pregnant mother Mary?

  2. Repent = 'express regret about your wrong-doing'.

    How many of those church-goers sit silent about tyranny from District Of Corruption?
    How many of those church-goers did/do nothing about the massacre of Branch Davidian church-goers by the Clinton Crime Syndicate?

    In the current example about a work of art:
    "'express regret' over acts by people decades before you were born."
    Non sequitur [the conclusion of the statement bears zero relationship to the initiating phrase]

    If these folks believe the holy word of the bible, they might re-read the Book Of Acts.
    In it, the authors discuss the difference between 'talk' and 'action'.
    Did the authors title it 'Praying About Doing Something Someday' or 'Forming A Prayer-Committee To Compose A Strongly-Worded Letter'...

    Somebody far more eloquent than me described the results of doing nothing while evil destroys everything good and righteous.

  3. Gotta find a black woman, gotta find a black woman for the window.
    How about Condaleezza Rice?

  4. "The meek shall inherit the Earth.."

    2 meters long,1 meter wide,and 2 meters deep.

  5. Lee was a great man.

  6. What people do not understand is that democrats, leftists, rioters and communists will NEVER repay any treason committed by others at the expense of their country.

  7. The one of Washington is next to go. Then Lincoln.


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