
Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Commentary: The Deep State Destruction of Rural America

Ever since the heinous killing of an unarmed black man by four rogue police officers on May 25, protests and riots have consumed America’s cities. These mass protests have mobilized millions of so-called progressives, incited to destructive fury by well-organized provocateurs. The groups behind this extremism are well known, as are the leftist and anarchist ideologies that propel them.

But another important movement is growing in the United States.

Either neglected or misrepresented in the media as right-wing extremism, this movement originated in rural America, but increasingly it makes common cause with every beleaguered business owner or overtaxed household in America’s cities.


  1. Oh hell, we don't need no stinkin' farmers.
    We get our food at the grocery stores.

  2. Although the lefties would label me as right wing and probably extremist I am neither I am a Constitutionist according to it's original meanings. Limited federal government involvement in our lives, absolute advocate of the 1st, 2nd and 4th Amendments, don't thread on me and we can get along just fine whether we agree on most things or not. Drugs, gambling, prostitution, whatever I don't care, just know you will be paying for your vices and whatever costs they entail as far as health, housing and family. As an American citizen you absolutely have the right to fuck up your life without legal consequences and we as American citizens absolutely have the right to not have to enable your fuck ups by paying for them.
    As to the dreaded Citizens Militia that lefties scream about, well we've seen how effective our tax funded police departments are in our time of need, they work, or not, at the back and call of our elected officials who sadly no longer, if ever, give a damn about anything but getting re-elected. We are forced into stay at home orders with some places threatening arrest for noncompliance until another bullshit leftist agenda let's you out to riot, loot and burn businesses but only if it's for advancement of their agenda. The fucking communist are winning right now and we better get with our program to shit it down now or we'll lose our country.
    Sorry for the rant but I've been feeling frustrated lately.
    Head down,eyes open,moving forward

  3. It was an eye opener, a few years ago, to have it explained to me why big business is ok with a lot of government regulation. Conag, Monsanto and Dow have entire legal departments to deal with regulation while Kenny and Lisa’s corner farm cant afford anyone to wend their way through the morass of regulations.

  4. I am so tired of 'Poor' George's death being called a murder. Let's see. Heart attack after ingesting a handful of drugs while violently resisting being arrested.

    Yeah. Sounds like the cops killed him, NOT!

    Just like that 'I'm not drunk and I'm not resisting' asshole who got shot in Atlanta.

    Sick of it all.

  5. To see where this leads, read The Road to Damascus, a novel by John Ringo, set in Keith Laumer's Bolo universe.


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