
Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Commentary: ‘Racism, Inc’ Is a Weapon of Mass Destruction

For the last couple of months, your inbox, like mine, has been awash in nauseating communiqués from every school, club, or business you had carelessly entrusted with your email address. “Stay safe,” they urged – and stay home. A great plague is upon the land, and we must all respond with displays of ritual purification and groveling obedience. Shows of obedience were critical, as was the virtue-signaling that accompanied them. People were shamed for appearing in public without a mask or for walking too close to other people. The whole thing was an extraordinary display of communal insanity.

Suddenly, almost overnight, those communiqués vanished, replaced by others, no less nauseating. There are new items on the menu of virtue-signaling and ritual abasement. Now the theme is not a novel respiratory virus, but a spiritual virus: the virus of supposed “systemic” or “institutional” “racism” and police brutality.


  1. Looks like it is not working the way I would think a weapon of mass destruction would work.

  2. I was going to start blocking those insane racism is rampant obes, but i decided not because its always a good idea to keep an eye on the people who want you dead.


  3. Haven't received any "pandering" emails, but already have a response ready.

    Unsubscribe and begin the boycott.

  4. I don't give my email address to hardly anyone so I don't get that kinda shit and if anyone who has it starts sending bullshit they get put out as spam.

  5. Lotsa virtue signalling doofi are getting blocked. Does ANYONE, with functional neurons, need to be told that racism is bad, mishandling some one facilitating their death is bad?

    I am not that one. So, AMF, virtue signallers!

  6. Stupid CEOs sending out stuff that outlines their capitulation plans don't realize that right then and there they have alienated a good third to a half of their existing customers. McKinsey & Company found after much research was done that it costs a company 10X to get a new customer as it does to keep an existing customer. These stupid shits are enabling "reparations" taken from their customers. So now we get a tax levied by a dipshit CEO who makes 300X what his hourly workers make.

    Only in America.


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