
Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Minnesota State Rep: Antifa and Muslim Groups Plan to 'Police Minneapolis Under Muslim Rule'

As the city of Minneapolis moves to dismantle its police force, Minnesota state Rep. Steve Green on Tuesday stated the obvious that virtually everyone else has been tiptoeing around and pretending isn’t there: “What you’re looking at, in my humble opinion, is communism moving into Minneapolis and St. Paul.” And not just Communism, but the Leftist/Islamic alliance. Green asserted that Antifa and Muslim organizations plan to “police Minneapolis under Muslim rule.” Those who scoff at such a notion simply aren’t paying attention to recent developments.


  1. Then it is only question of how soon, there will no-go zones for non-Muslims in the Twin Cities. Pressure will be increased to force every one to live under Shit-ria "Law". They will try to ban alcohol, force grocery stores to stop selling pork and for owners to get rid of their dogs. The Commies will push for disarming the city residents. Violent crime WILL increase. I give that 100% certainty along with the middle class people moving out. White flight. AMF.

  2. If you didn’t like the police.....

    You’re gonna really love the sharia patrols.


  3. May they turn it into a people's paradise, a shining star of hope and peace for all mankind to look up to. But my guess is they won't, especially with all the middle class jobs and people exiting the state.

  4. Well boys, the hour is getting late. We’ve allowed this shit to get so far out of hand that even people vehemently opposed to this insanity will stand idly by for fear of being labeled a racist, sexist, homophobic, islamophobic paternalistic and what ever else dog whistle they can come up with today. It’s not the labels we’re afraid of, it’s the fear of loosing livelihoods. Of loosing everything we’ve worked so hard for for so long. Once you’re labeled, virtue signaling companies will have to get rid of you for fear of also being smeared with this ever broadening brush. Most do not realize that taking no action is an action and wishing this will all just magically stop isn’t going to change the outcome. Wish in one hand and shit in the other. See which one fills up faster. Face the fact that we’re not going to come through this unharmed, no matter what. Just saying no right now in a loud enough voice might prevent prevent a great deal of bloodshed in the very near future. Stand up now or pay later. Later will be here sooner than you think.

    1. Well said.

      >It’s not the labels we’re afraid of, it’s the fear of losing livelihoods.

      Indeed. And it's both ironic and sickening that many of those who have come up with, finance, and legislate/lawfare the "anti-racism", "anti-Islamophobia", open borders policies of madness are EXACTLY those that the newly imported Muslims want to kill first. But we can't even notice, much less criticize those persons, because "hate speech".

  5. Dull knives and dirty shards of glass are being sharpened to take care of their women.
    Cut and sown up below and completely covered above.
    Awesome. Welcome to the sixth century!
    These women will surely vote for the democrats now.

  6. Anyone read David Webber's "The Last Centurion"?

    1. John Ringo, not David Webber.
      Good book, isn't it?

    2. I read it, but couldn't remember the author's name. Thanks for the reminder.There are a lot of really good post SHTF books out right now, on Amazon Kindle Unlimited. Those are free to members of Amazon Prime. Plus, there are a lot of really good other books out there, as well.


  7. All those AntiFa / Democrat / Liberal / BLM idiots are going to find out what Sharia Law is. Every single one of those 53 genders that are not male or female will be put to death, all those loud-mouthed educated women will be shackled and muzzled - those that don't comply will be put to death as well.
    I say Trump should seal off the city and let this take its natural course. Then send in the Marines to deal with those fucks. I'm not sure about the National Guard or Army, but I know the USMC doesn't play nice.

  8. Not for Nothing, but, 'Wanted - Dead or Alive' has a certain ring to it right about now.

  9. If this is 'successful' in Minneapolis they will continue to spread it out across this country. We need to nip it in the bud pronto.

    1. Moslem patrols are already a thing in NYFC. Make of that what you will.

  10. So does that mean they chop off the hands of thieves?

  11. What needs to be done is what they do to Americans.
    Out them, post Name,Address’s of home and work, ph#’s, email, ALL OF IT.
    Time they get what they give.

    As for this Ragforce, well, TRAIN!

  12. Pop some popcorn and sit back and watch the fun. Those muzzies will throw that young homosexual mayor off a building right off the bat. Africans will get a taste of what real slavery is Somali style. The white girls that aren't butt ugly will see their opportunities evaporate and the carpet munchers will be fortunate to have domestic jobs....if they aren't put to the sword first.

  13. Saw it years ago - Minnesotastan


  14. No one on about the Mississippi River ?

    Mkay - just a mental note to anyone


    Love to you Angel, Lisa, all your family, L.L., and that wonderful spirit dog C.G.D.!

  15. I'm wondering when a group of concealed carriers are going to get caught in a BLM / Antifa "rally" and, once threatened, begin blasting away for fear of their lives.

  16. How does one spell Rubicon?

  17. Check out "A failure of Civility" if you can find a copy. Mountain Guerrilla has 5 books out now so get those too. Practical reading for modern times. Can can can load load load!


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