
Friday, June 26, 2020

Mount Rushmore Is Doomed To The 1619 Riots

There is no way Mount Rushmore can survive the insurgency of left-wing domestic terrorism currently unfolding in our country.

We have crossed the Rubicon and there is no going back, no putting the toothpaste back in the tube.

Why are they calling them the 1619 Riots?


  1. Project 1619
    A narrative to rile up the misinformed and under-educated.
    An attempt to legitimize rape and pillage?

  2. The authur is correct right up until the end of the article when he writes "There's only one way to stop it, voting in November".
    Sorry. Wrong answer.


  3. Because in 1619 the first African slaves were officially brought to America. And these people love their 'legacy of slavery' and white guilt bullshit.

    1. Actually, they were officially brought to the Colonies. In 1619, it was English slavery.

  4. I think there's some people in S. Dakota who might have a thing or three to say about antifa or BLM or any other lame ass organization attacking Mt Rushmore. Maybe they won't say anything at all while dishing out high velocity lead poison. Not that I'm advocating violence.

    I'll start listening to BLM the day that there is NOT ONE black on black or brown on brown crime anywhere in the USA. I figure that'll be a good long while.


  5. I didn't get past the second sentence; when I'm really bored maybe, but for, I don't think I agree with the author 100%. Or even 5%.

    1. I think I'm with you on this one. The article actually says,

      "Before the 1619 Riots, as a country, on the right and left, we all agreed there was one line that could never be crossed; that we could never, ever, ever condone or encourage violence of any kind."

      The author's got a choice: Astonishingly naive, or lying? Is he fucking kidding? The Left has frequently advocated killing of large numbers of Americans. The author therefore appears to be either an idiot or a liar, and I don't have time for either.

  6. Can they postpone their demonstration until the Sturgis rally? That would make it really interesting and countless antifa pricks would be disappeared in the wilderness.

  7. The 1619 project is the leftist agendas latest attempt at rewriting history denounce it every chance you get


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