
Monday, June 01, 2020

Poor babies

California state lawmakers and other top elected officials won’t be getting a pay increase for the first time in five years as the state faces a major budget deficit and mass unemployment induced by the coronavirus.

The California Citizens Compensation Commission, a public board that sets salaries for public officials, voted unanimously Thursday to keep officials’ pay flat for the fiscal year beginning July 1. Gov. Gavin Newsom will make nearly $210,000. State legislators will continue to collect nearly $115,000 a year while top officials such as the lieutenant governor will make $157,000 and the attorney general will take in roughly $182,000.


I wonder how many of them are going to be pissed when they realize that if they hadn't given all that money away to illegals in the form of stimulus payments, they'd have gotten their raises?


  1. "I wonder how many of them are going to be pissed when they realize that if they hadn't given all that money away to illegals in the form of stimulus payments, they'd have gotten their raises?"

    None of them. The problem is not Undocumented New Americans (who are nicer and better people than YOU will ever be) but rather Systemic White Privilege, Racism, Anti-Semitism, Homophobia, Islamophobia, and Transphobia.


    1. Hahahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahaaaaa.
      Yeah, keep telling yourself that

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. mike_C you saved me the effort of formulating a reply. I agree they will never accept responsibility.

    4. I'm thinking a couple of the Gilley's denizens here totally missed your tongue in cheek point.

    5. Right, because flags, Jews, muslims and commies have done sooooo much for humanity....oh, wait, they have collectively done NOTHING BUT MURDER. Also, so you know, a phobia is an unreasonable fear of something. Noone is scared of fags, but muslims? Not unreasonable.

  2. There's their "salary", and then there's the rest of the story.
    Newsom didn't build that place on $210,000 per year.

  3. If-and that is a mighty big IF-things get back to normal, guess what one of the very first things the overlords in cali will be doing for their "hard working" upper echelon employees?

    You guessed it: not only will they get a "make up" salary adjustment-just to "keep them whole" but their salaries will increase to "keep up with the competition" since "we can't afford to lose such valuable employees".

    And that, Mike C, is how things work in the real world. Now pull your pants up and cover up your ass crack.

  4. So much for omitting the /sarc tag.


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