
Thursday, June 25, 2020

Well, learn to control your animals then

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — A newspaper ad, prophesying an attack on Nashville at the hands of Muslims has caused damage that cannot be undone, according to local Islamic leaders.

It was a full-page advertisement, evoking fear and the threat of a nuclear attack.

“Our reaction was pure shock,” Sabina Mohyuddin of the American Muslim Advisory Council said.

The published print claimed ‘Islam’ would deliver the assault and destroy Nashville in a ball of fire. Mohyuddin and the local Islamic community say they feel targeted by the ad and any potential repercussions.

“They were hurt, they were hurt, and fearful of the backlash that this would cause in the communities,” Mohyuddin said.


  1. Whenever somebody tries to sell me on Muslims having their feelings hurt, or worrying about their safety, I hear the sound of tiny violins.

    1. I hear the sound of my safety clicking OFF....

    2. Number 1 of the day, drjim.

    3. Exactly, CityBilly. How in the hell can anyone take anything coming out of their mouth as truth when their so called prophet tells them to lie about everything. Those goat fuckers tried to kill me and have created a hatred in me that I doubt will ever go away.

  2. Having been around muslims, I try to tell people their lives are on the line as islamics gain power and there is NO mercy from them.
    They do NOT become Americans. They do Not assimilate. They expect you to join them or die.
    Unless you would make a strong eunuch slave or beautiful concubine.

  3. "The newspaper’s editor apologized, calling it “horrific and utterly indefensible in all circumstances.”

    So the paper gets a full page ad, assumably someone paid for it, and the editor, the guy that controls what gets printed in the paper he's the EDITOR of, is UNAWARE of the ad until someone calls it to his attention AFTER PUBLICATION.

    PPSSSSTT!!! I've got this bridge...


    1. Every page gets a look-see, some get a complete read. Hard to let s full-page ad like that to the press.

    2. The editor's "outrage" occurs only after the check paying for the full page ad clears. And you can bank on that.

  4. Nuclear ? Seems the best the middle east could do was a dust storm.

  5. I'm thinking our home grown Louis Farrakhan style Muslims might be more dangerous than the imported ones.

    1. Don't think that. The real ones are absolutely fearless. They are completely brainwashed and the train, train some more, then train some more. After all that they train even more. What do we do? Do not underestimate your enemy.

  6. Here's a thought experiment. What would happen if someone ran a full-page ad warning of a "possible attack" by:

    1. White Separatists [1]
    2. Born-Again Christians
    3. Divorced Men
    4. Military Veterans

    Would there be any apologies for slandering a group of people? Would there be cringing and pleading for forgiveness?

    [1] while the lying press conflates White Separatists, Nationalists and Supremacists, they are not the same thing.

  7. Wait, wait, wait; the paper refunded the $14,000 that the ad cost. Who did they refund the money to? It was either a Muslim group, or it wasn't.
    If it was, they are crying wolf, if it wasn't the paper thought they could get away with a quick couple of bucks, and make sure they sold future editions to the sheep who would need to know where the Big Bad Wolf was going to be next.
    The media is part of the problem.

  8. There was a breakdown in the normal process. Hell, yeah. A bunch of people in the backshop read the ad and said, "'Murica. Fuck yeah. Let it go."

  9. This is a perfect story for that Fuck Em box I requested awhile back.
    Fuck Em


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