
Friday, July 24, 2020

Armed kids as young as 10 carjack more than a dozen people on South Side

CHICAGO - Alyssa Blanchard was so traumatized after being carjacked at gunpoint last week outside her Calumet Heights home that she’s now scared to go outside.

Chicago police say a group of children, ages 10 to 17, carjacked Blanchard and at least 15 other people since late June — wreaking havoc on Blanchard’s generally peaceful South Side neighborhood.


  1. Just wait 'til someone shoots a 10 YO carjacker dead - think you've seen rioting now?

  2. And notice they give no details or descriptions of the "Children".

    If they were white, we'd have heard about it.

    8:5 they aren't white.

    1. No, you can tell pretty easily by looking at the neighborhood where these carjackings are occurring.

      These are not college-bound scholars. They're prison bound criminals with learners' permits.

  3. Her Honor is probably getting a nice cut of the take.

  4. Oh sheeeit, boyz will be boyz!!!

  5. And when one of those little shits - correction "ANGELS" is killed, it will be Whitey's fault, not the POS parent (notice not plural.)

  6. The technology is available to thwart these crimes. It is called a manual transmission.

  7. Chicago? Sounds more like Jigabishu

  8. Maybe you should consider teaching personal responsibility and citizenship in your classroom, Ms Blanchard, instead of state and education association mandated "victimology." Go figure. regards, Alemaster

  9. Around 1978, I was living in the Old West End in Toledo, OH. Someone tried to steal my car, a Ford Galaxy, by using a set of channel locks to twist the ignition (a fixed pin prevented this, but you could snap the pin sometimes and just drive off). I called the TPD about it, and when they came out to take a look I was informed that there was a car theft ring operating in the area and they'd recently been caught.

    Ten teenagers, the youngest being nine years old and packing a gun. The nine year old was the leader.

  10. That's regular shit in NooooLa


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