
Friday, July 24, 2020

From Asheville to Trashville

For all the blathering we’ve heard over the past few months about how “systemic racism” is the nation’s biggest mortal threat, it’s become sparklingly clear that the real problem is systemic stupidity.

The country is currently in the throes of fatal conniptions over idea that there’s some solution to “inequality.” Not for a second has anyone paused to ponder that perhaps the true cause of inequality is the fact that people aren’t equal—never have been, never will be.


  1. As a friend of mine once said, "Not every fish in the aquarium can be a shark, there has to be an ecosystem."

    1. And Alpha male needs the beta males to boss around or else nothing would get done.

  2. Regardless how much “reparations” would theoretically be paid to the “black community”, they would be in the same situation in less than a year with their collective hand still out.

    1. With every passing day the amount of welfare and untold other kinds of support given to blacks far, far out numbers the value of the cotton they picked. Seems like it's time for reverse reparations. You know, from blacks to whites. Rev. Sharpton, put that in your pipe and shove it up your pandering asshole.

  3. Just call it what it is: Socialism for Blacks... then they'll find out what real slavery is like!

  4. I keep waiting for someone to start talking about "Effort Equality" but doing nothing for something is evidently the goal in life for too many people.

  5. Asheville is North Carolina's hipster capitol. Basically Portland w/o the riots.

    1. it's like North carolina has two rectums - asheville and chapel hill. I stay as far away from both as possible.

  6. Asheville has had some demonstrations, although not as violent as Portland or Seattle. The Asheville PD shut them down and made arrests.

  7. It used to be about "equal opportunity", now it's about "equal outcomes". Ain't gonna work.

  8. How 'bout reparations for the descendants of Irish slaves? Once you go in that direction, it's a very deep and endless pool. Best to look forward, not backward.

    1. Now correct me if I am wrong, but weren't the Irish slaves many centuries ago light skinned? Oh whoops, answered my own question: gotta be black to count in the modern day shit-show.

  9. Irish white slaves indeed.
    Or good old Islam which engages in slavery right now.
    Or Planned Parenthood aborting 300 black babies a day, harvesting their organs even while the babies are still alive.
    Or the global child trafficking ring.
    Where's the outrage, MSM coverage or investigations?

  10. I've posted this before.
    I'm all in of reparations. Anyone in America who's a slave today deserves reparations,
    to be paid by all the Americans that are slaveholders today

  11. Systemic stupidity = systemic liberalism for decades

  12. I considered buying land to retire to near Asheville, too expensive, really glad I choose to go elsewhere. Asheville does have many good beer breweries, way too many hippies, hipsters, and people who generally do not bathe.

  13. How refreshing to see someone state an undeniable fact regarding equality.

    Personally, I think if we had equality we would all die of boredom. Plus, if everyone was 'equal' there would be no outstanding doctors, sport figures, musicians, etc. We must not show ourselves to be more capable or better than the dumbest sh!ts in our society. That is what equality is ... dull boring, bland, ignorance, laziness and betrayal. Many would love to turn you in to the 'state' if you have one small thing or ability more than your neighbor. Merit is not allowed ... That is how 'equality' rolls. It is a system for the living dead.


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