
Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Armed Veterans guard Wilson County War Memorial

LEBANON, Tenn. (WKRN) — As protests against police brutality and inequality continue across the country, some have been followed by riots. When a group of veterans in Lebanon heard their county war memorial may be a target for possible riots, they picked up their rifles and assumed position.

“A show of force can be a very powerful deterrent. We’re not here to fight, unless we have to,” Veteran Keith Sikora told News 2.


  1. Now see, THIS was an effective "peace keeping force".
    When government will is "lacking", it is up to Americans to remind others what is truly important in America.

  2. Good one.
    And It's gonna spread as people see other people do it.
    Our fine betters just don't seem to realize we're not EUnuchs, we're Americans.

  3. Republican Politicians suck the Donkey's asses.

  4. Peace keeping force against what? Where in this article is there any mention of this monument actually being at risk? Where is the mention of the "violent thugs" in Wilson county calling for destruction?

    What a lame and unnecessary "show of force".

    1. Read the first paragraph again. Should they have waited until antifa or BLM actually showed up and destroyed it?


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