
Wednesday, July 01, 2020

This video's too good to hold until Sunday


  1. Still bustin a gut laughing. Would like to know who, where, what and when.

    1. I'd prefer to just think of it as a joke Bear. Too sad any other way.

  2. She will be announcing her campaign for State Senator in the coming days.

  3. That had to be staged. There is no one that dumb. Not even a blonde.

    1. Your optimism is an inspiration.

    2. Yeah, seriously. She would have walked off a cliff by now if she was really that dumb.

  4. I would give her an A for effort. I also might have been a little more forward on helping but that is just the Boy Scout in me

  5. So why did the blonde girl dye her hair red?

  6. THAT is your BLM MOMENT of the Day !


  7. His final words, "I'm going to go tell her congratulations."...and get her phone number.

  8. Wonder what she is breathing under the mask, brain dead.

  9. I'm sure that she has a very nice job, and that she was hired for her brains...

  10. Maybe if she had removed that stupid mask, she would have gotten more oxygen to her brain...

    1. By remarkable coincidence - or perhaps not so remarkable when the real epidemic is gullible stupidity - I just posted a mask meme:

  11. A few years ago while deer hunting I drove down to a mountain stop and rob to get a microwave burrito and some stale coffee for lunch. It had started snowing pretty good and when I left the store a lady was busy putting tire chains on rear of her Honda Civic. I piped up that my wife had that same year and model and I believe it's front wheel drive.
    Her-"I think I know my own car, pal!"
    "Ok, have a nice drive."
    I was going to stay and watch the fun but she was taking so long I risked running out of daylight.

    1. I might know her sister. I chanced upon a woman who was stuck with her horse behind a locked gate. Since I didn't have a key the only thing I could do to help her was to take the gate off it's hinges. The crescent wrench I had on the quad with me was on the small side, so I had to struggle a bit to get the one hinge loose. I'd already had enough of her attitude at that point, and when she snarkily said "Are you sure you're turning the right way?" I stared at her and said "Lady, I KNOW which way to turn a wrench".
      I should have left her stuck behind the gate, but unfortunately I'm too nice a guy.

    2. I'be had supervisors like that!

  12. These people walk among us, vote and can buy power tools with no questions asked.

  13. And that's why there aren't more women in STEM fields.

  14. Think about it: Her vote will cancel out yours next election.

  15. Thats a weed smoker right there. Bet she got some good puddin tang tho. Most brain dead ones do.

  16. So here's the thing. At least she didn't hit anything. But my concern is that someone started recording this. That means it was going on BEFORE we get the video. How many times had she tried off camera before the camera started rolling?

  17. I always like to help but would not have in this case. Best thing that could happen for all is for her to run out of gas.

  18. This one's not even a blonde. But there is hope There's a vid at YouTube of a blonde babe trying to gas up a Tesla.

  19. A friend of mine posted this to face book the other day and commented "lol, is she blonde?". I then pointed out to my friend that her hair was the same color as the girl in the video. Fortunately, she's a good sport!

  20. How the hell did she pass a driving test to get a license?

  21. Probably has a degree long as my leg? 6'1" YA JUST CANT FIX STUPID!

  22. The bad part is that she is going to bang out several kids who are going to have more kids which will drop our national IQ below Equitorial Guinea.

    1. IDIOCRACY here we come!!!
      lil jack

  23. The guy stated that when the video started she was on her second try.

  24. I've never done anything quite *that* stupid ( least not more than once.) But I've always said that if there was such a thing as a "stupid jail", we would all be ex cons.

  25. PS: Kenny you were right. This was too good to wait for Sunday.

  26. I always hate it when I forget which side the cap is on. Too bad I'm not smart enough to check the icon on the dash.

  27. That was better than the girl who was trying to find the gas tank on the Tesla.

  28. This is one more example of why women should not be allowed to vote

  29. I bet she just got the new car and was a little confused, it happens, guy with the phone should have offered to help her. Remember the days when the gas filler was always on the right side or behind the license plate. You could always go in an orderly line to get a fill up.

    1. I drive two different cars. One has the gas fill on the passenger side, one has it on the driver's side. If I'm thinking about something else when I pull up and forget which car I'm in, I've done this. But not over and over, again. My guess is she has some sort of learning disability. Sort of like dyslexia, but she gets confused with right and left differentiations. It makes orienting to North and South difficult also.

  30. Probably staged... I'm not sure how someone that confused could remember which pedal did what in the car. If she is that dumb, and as nice as she is dumb... could be a lot of fun, though. Pretty damn hot. You'd just have to make sure you did *everything* for her.
    -Just A Chemist

  31. $150000 liberal arts degree from Yale.

    1. Hell no! It was gender studies!

    2. I had a Chinese doctor who was that dumb one time. Graduated from the very best medical school.

  32. I could watch someone do that for hours.

  33. That's bad, but check out this polesmoker.

  34. I would guess on tampon day she is always an hour late to work.

  35. I just shit myself laughing!


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