
Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Couple draw guns at crowd of protesters heading to St. Louis mayor's home

ST. LOUIS — A white couple stood outside their mansion and pointed guns at protesters in St. Louis as the group marched toward the mayor's home to demand her resignation.

Police said people in the crowd yelled threats at the couple.

Mark McCloskey, 63, told a TV station that he and wife, Patricia, both personal injury lawyers, were facing an "angry mob" on their private street and feared for their lives Sunday night.

And then this from WiscoDave:

Mark McCloskey of St. Louis, Missouri is the kind of guy for whom many of our readers would harbor a deep-seated animus, though he has now achieved a moment of infamy for something he and his wife were 100 percent correct in doing.

It was McCloskey who alighted from the side porch of his palatial $1.15 million manse in the exclusive gated Portland Place neighborhood, rifle in hand, to challenge a mob of “mostly peaceful” protesters who had broken down the gate and were charging up his street to “demonstrate” at the home of that city’s mayor, you see. Upon that action McCloskey and his wife Patty instantly became the face of the terrified White People Of Privilege, the panicked homeowners making a show of deadly force to protect their unfairly-won filthy lucre from the Black Lives Matter movement intent on redistributive justice by any means necessary.


  1. Those people purchased a broken down wreck of a mansion, spent 30+ years restoring & re-acquiring furniture and works of art that were there when it was new.
    It's an amazing home; anyone would have been ready to shoot any vandal - I know I would.
    Pics and article here:

    1. They didnt have any money left over for firearms instruction it seems.

  2. Make sure you read the last three paragraphs. In fact, if you read nothing else read them.
    IMHO the last strains of the National Anthem are fading into the sky. Kickoff is imminent.
    "Something terrible is coming."

  3. St Louie Mag rag pulled the article .

    1. Try it again. It worked for me, which it didn't earlier.
      Amazing home, incredible story.

  4. Maxi Glamour is their spokes-creature?
    So the St Louis news 5 is saying the gate wasn't broken broken? I shall deem this upcoming clusterfuck..."Gate Gate"!

  5. The left wants you to think it was a "peaceful protest" but they leave out the fact this mob was trespassing on private property. I would have done the same thing the couple did, except with a riot pump, alternately load with shot/slugs.

  6. In a nutshell:

    1. Mob did not vandalize or destroy his property.
    2. Mob did not assault, rape, or kill the homeowners.
    3. Mob passed on by, leaving them alone.

    Second Amendment: Successful. It doesn't matter how they were dressed, how they held their firearms,what firearms they were holding or what they were shouting. Facts is facts. They may want to rethink their home defense plan, because next the mob might be hungry and seek to BBQ them and their dogs on the front lawn.

    1. I have a feeling the McCloskys will be hiring full-time armed security teams to protect their investment henceforth. They're not stupid, they know what's coming.

    2. So I hear neither the police not private security is willing to help keep them safe, they'll be burned out by next weekend

  7. I think the real point is that 2-300 "protesters" could have easily taken them except for the simple fact there wasn't 3 or 4 willing to get shot for their beliefs, such as they are. If you aren't willing to die then you aren't serious.

  8. The Mob destroyed a beautiful wrought iron gate. They folded one of the gate leaves over.

    The mob also appeared to retreat the way they came in?

    Whine all you want to about their gun handling. No one got hurt. They are alive and will have the time and money to rectify this problem.

  9. After watching the video my young adult son turned to me and said "this is why we have 3 AR 15's, right Dad?". One for each of us. Proud of that boy.


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