
Friday, July 17, 2020

BLM Toronto leader believes white people are sub-human, calls them 'genetic defects'

A social media post has resurfaced from a Black Lives Matter Toronto co-founder in which she apparently argues that white people are “sub-human” and are “recessive genetic defects.”

Yusra Khogali wrote the post on what appears to be her Facebook and attempted to use a genetic explanation involving melanin production to explain why white people are “defects.” It has now gone viral after it was shared by scholar James Lindsay.


  1. Shove it up your arse you baboon faced cunt, you and the rest of the obsolete farm equipment.

  2. Remember, only white people can be racist!

  3. No racism there...

  4. "Khogali says that white people have a “higher concentration of enzyme inhibitors” which suppresses melanin production adding that melanin is important for a number of things such as strong bones, intelligence, vision and hearing."

    1) So more melanin=additional intelligence? Yep, that certainly correlates with what we've seen. On the other hand, if this IS true, imagine what the world would be like if Einstein had had access to a tanning bed. We'd probably have anti-gravity flying cars by now.
    2) Her theories on white people sound like a slightly modified version of the so-called Nation of Islam's doctrine.

    Also from Mx Khogali:
    "In another post, Khogali tweeted, "Plz Allah give me the strength to not cuss/kill these men and white folks out here today."

    She is a Sudanese immigrant and a feminist. Pop quiz: Are there native Sudanese feminists? Answer: yes, but their life expectancy is under a week back home.

    1. What happens when young girls meet FGM.

    2. waitingForTheStormJuly 18, 2020 at 7:31 AM

      I'm thinking that the "enzyme inhibitors" are responsible for shifting the energy from melanin production into gray matter enhancement and fantasy generator reduction. If she were legit, she would move back to the shithole (Wakanda?) that spawned this worthless wasted of protoplasm.

  5. She needs to be deported to Sudan in Africa to experience where black lives matter.

  6. Isn't it funny how "genetic defects" make black people look so "defective"? I've heard and read "black supremacists" talk about how science and all great inventions and art were stolen from the "brilliant black man" (an oxymoron if there ever was one). It makes you wonder how the black race completely forgot all their magnificent achievements. Can anyone explain how that happened? Oh...I see. The "genetically defective" White man built a machine that sucked all the knowledge out of black brains. Imagine that!

    1. The actual truth is the arabs, with whom oddly enough the blacks identify, ransacked the libraries of Greece and Macedonia. Where they did invade, they either hauled off the populace into slavery or killed them on the spot. The scribes they kept as translators and teachers. They then wrote their history proclaiming the brilliance of their educated minds.

      The northern african tribes did not fight back against their arab captors. Their history was subsumed into the other.

      Now we have idiots proclaiming, We'suz kangs! All because they know nothing of history. They want nothing to do with history because they have been on the losing end since the beginning.

  7. "No racism involved, we're just better than everybody else".

  8. I love BLM, bacon, lettuce an matter sammiches. Whats the big deal?

  9. Can't really care what an obviously mentally-ill racist says.
    -Just A Chemist

  10. Doesn't really need a response really does it? The people who invented almost everything that makes up the modern world are genetically inferior to the people who invented....what?

  11. I guess... to him... minding the law, working for what we have, covering our asses with our pants, along with not burning, looting, and pillaging makes us "subhuman..."

    BA-HA-HA... HA-HA-HA... HOLY SH... BA-H... Stop it... stop... I ca... I can't breathe!...

  12. Sub-Saharan blacks have average IQs of 70.
    American coloreds have average IQs of 85.
    Americans of European decent have average IQs of 100.
    Northern Asians have average IQs of 107 to 110.
    I don't think she should be casting stones.

    1. While Europe and the US was going through the Industrial Revolution, Africans were still living in brush huts, smearing cowshit in their hair and trying to keep from being a lions's dinner. Sounds harsh, but there it is.

    2. ...and the vast majority of the population of Africa is STILL doing all of those things.


  13. If that theory we're correct, wouldn't it be called "evolution"?

  14. I'm sure the evidence is taken from the long history of African governments switching from Caucasian control to Native African control - Wakanda legends borne in Real Life !!

  15. Judging from her picture it looks like she's a few of those defective gene's floating around in her chromosomes. You gotta wonder why light skinned "black" people don't identify as white. Couldn't be that there's really no "white privilege" advantage that they all get sssoooooo upset about.



  16. Says the Proglodyte

  17. In any other country this ingrate would be maggot meat.

  18. They say they want equality, but they will never settle for less than superiority

  19. If that ain't the pot calling the kettle black

  20. Well they gotta be good at economics and business, I mean just look at all the millionaires in Zimbabwe.

  21. Betcha she's missing the genetics that likes -40F winters ... which is one of the reasons I'm where I am and she and the rest of superior colored people aren't.

  22. Then that makes blacks lower than whale shit in the Mariana trench

  23. Ha, a genetic defect calling the kettle blaaaaaaaack
    Ain’t that a hoot

  24. Hey, according to the Smithsonian at least we are not lazy....

  25. Takes one to known one


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