
Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Firsthand: I Watched Seattle’s Descent Into Hell

It’s Saturday, May 30, 2020, and thousands of protesters glut the Seattle streets. By mid-afternoon the mob grows to more than 10,000 Black Lives Matter activists, Antifa thugs, and anarchist shock troops. What starts as largely peaceful demonstrations descends rapidly into largely violent and destructive riots.

“No justice, no peace,” they holler, as they hurl Molotov cocktails at police cars, bash in store front windows, and loot jewelry, fashion clothing, and cheesecake — yes, cheesecake. The popular Cheesecake Factory was not spared.

“I can’t breathe,” they chant, as they hustle off with heaps of stolen goods. “Cops Killed George Floyd,” they shout, as they smash storefronts and storm police precincts. “Kill all cops,” they scream. “All cops must die.” Shrieking crowds assault the police, targeting their eyes with green lasers, splashing them with paint, caustic chemicals, and flammable liquids.


  1. They’re always for the mob ..... until the mob comes for them

  2. Is Mike Howard a resident of Seattle? If so, whom did he vote for. More importantly, which party will he vote for next time? Questions that need to be asked of any Seattle resident that's currently not happy.

  3. May the west coast slip into the ocean.

  4. The Seattle Police are still on the job, after all the humiliation they have taken in the last 50+ Days.

    They are hamstrung, vilified, and being attacked by both the protesters and their own Mayor, City Council, and State Officials. Why? What will it take for them to just say, I cannot take it, I QUIT?!? More than this?

    Now tell me how many will refuse to confiscate your guns when ordered to?

    How many will refuse to load your wife and children into the boxcars?

    "Orders are Orders." "I heard the rumors, but didn't know for sure that they were being executed."
    "They can tell it to the judge."

  5. Just once I'd like to see a cop go off the reservation on these motherfuckers....afterwards, I wonder how many would show up....they might just wonder if that stolen big screen is worth their life....

  6. Wanted:
    A Few Good Roof Koreans!
    Not much pay, but free ammo.


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