
Wednesday, July 08, 2020

From the generation that brought you the Electric Fence Challenge

In what can easily be regarded as a top contender for the 2020 Darwin Awards, Alabama students are allegedly throwing “Covid-19 parties” as part of a stupid game to intentionally infect each other with a disease that has so far killed hundreds of thousands of people in the US alone.


  1. Killed hundreds of thousands of people? From what, asphyxiation from laughing at all the otherwise not-at-risk people (elderly and compromised excepted) wearing masks? In the days of the plague (a real killer) people wore pointy nose things to ward off the evil spirits responsible. I wonder when they will get around to that.

  2. People in that age group are more at risk of death driving home after the party than they are of getting sick from COVID. And they know it.

  3. Lisa's health is compromised so on the rare occasion she leaves the house, she wears a mask.
    I said the other day that I've yet to put one on but I remember now before Lisa's son passed away and we were visiting him at the hospital, I was forced to wear one before they'd let me in.

    1. The thing about most of the masks is that they aren't to protect the wearer but others from the wearer. Now, if they made a mask that had the primary purpose of protecting the wearer, then it would allow the individual to make the decision what they want to do.

    2. But that's how the left rolls. They have to show how some activity of yours is harmful to others so they can then strip you of your rights. Anti tobacco activists spent years trying to get tobacco companies shut down by restricting tobacco use but it was a victimless crime other than for the smoker. They needed a hook to get at the companies but study after study, some 30 in all, showed no link between second hand smoke and disease. They finally got one that showed a very weak link between the two and that was all they needed - with that they were off to the races. With help from their friends in the media they were able claim a health connection and show that smokers were now harming the people around them so their right to smoke could be taken away from them in more and more circumstances. They'll soon use children as a lever to stop people from smoking inside their own homes (full disclosure: I am not a smoker). This virus is no different. By claiming your actions are harmful to others they have an excuse to strip you of your rights. Look for more of this in the future.

  4. Late teens and early twenties people are at very little risk. On the one hand they risk spreading it to vulnerable people, on the other hand the only way that this kind of virus eventually dies out is if enough people are exposed to it until it is unable to spread.

  5. If you are young and reasonably healthy, you are 99.9% going to be OK if you catch Coronavirus. Once you catch it, you should not have to worry about catching it again. If you are not around anyone in a high risk group, maybe catching the Chinese Coronavirus is not as stupid as it seems? You get healthy and then you do not have to worry about accidentally infecting your grandparents.

    Of course there are the inevitable idiots that live with their parents, grandparents, great grandparents, and their morbidly obese immunocompromised siblings. Or they work in a nursing home.

    For the rest of us, we should avoid it. In the mean time, get lots of sun or Vitamin D, take your vitamins and add Zinc too.

    1. There was a time in the not too distant past where if someone in town caught the measles, the rest of the town would send their kids over so that their immune system would get hardened. Now we have mandatory vaccine for things with a normal morbidity rate below 1%.

    2. Yeah, but big pharma quit using the old tried and true vaccines and made some new ones that have more side affects then anyone could ever imagine.

  6. Hospitals and Dr's offices are the only mandated mask areas in my ao and unfortunately like you and Ms Lisa we have been having to frequent those places more regular thank we'd like. I have 2 Drs appointments and a possible surgery coming up and she's going to have her gallbladder removed in 2 weeks. The old saying. "When it rains it pours" is all too true
    Take care my friend

  7. Maybe they consumed a dozen Tide Pods each before the parties cause they heard the pods were like Clorox and would kill the Virus.

  8. Forcing healthy people to wear a mask will only make them unhealthy as their own immune system becomes weakened. It's idiotic and no mask will save you from the WuFlu which has a survive ability rate of over 99%. Most of the stats are skewed and the number of deaths is BS too. People dying from a car crash count as WuFlu deaths.

  9. they will ind up helping to create more "herd immunity", not sure if that was the plan or not. Anyway the media is still screaming every day about the number of new confirmed virus cases, but not a peep about the death rates which have been going down for several weeks - as the healthcare industry has figured out how to treat people with the virus, old folks and immuno-compromised nonwithstanding.

    You're smart to keep Lisa close to home given her situation.

  10. In the UK I think that the danger has mostly passed. Daily new cases were something like 8,000 back in May, they are now down to 350. Out of a population of 67 million that means that your chances of getting it are pretty remote.

  11. Hundreds of thousands if you count the people who have died of all sorts of other things beside the Covey but were counted as such. Why? $$$$

    1. Not just the money, the disruption the covid is causing with our economy and everyday culture is to topple Trump.

  12. A saw a video with dr zack bush who explained it is the presence of herbicide which grabs the virus's and becomes the killer


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