
Wednesday, July 08, 2020

The New Minutemen

I took part in a "protest" on July 4th in Westcliffe, CO. They didn't need me. In a town of about 800, I was one of 1000 protesters. This protest replaced the Independence Day parade that was made too difficult to hold due to Covid 19, but everyone knows that Covid is not spread via protest, so it was a protest.

Over the past five years, Westcliffe has held the biggest "open carry" contingent to its 4th of July parade in the state, an aggravating fact to the communists in public office. The protesters fought back and prevailed as did the citizens of Alamosa, a town just over the Sangre de Cristo mountains from Westcliffe. As did citizens in a neighboring county. This is push back and it gives a sense of the power of the people to take back their lives and traditions from those who want to destroy it. But, it does not solve the problem.

There are two waves working their way through America, one is the militant wave, Americans arming themselves, joining local groups, militias or mutual defense organizations. Another wave is building against the woke crowd and the Black Lives Matter organization aligned with Antifa to destabilize America, some say with the assistance of China. Black Lives Matter, being emboldened by their successful actions tearing down statues are revealing themselves as hypocrites and punks, not a Civil Rights advocate, because they never were concerned about George Floyd, he was an excuse, nothing more. Both of these waves are positive, but neither one of them will solve the problem. They will right civil society if given the chance and time, but time is running out.


  1. Respectfully disagree with the authors conclusion that this will end peacefully.
    Someone is going to make a mistake (them) and kill the wrong person.... and then it will be on-like-donkey-kong. The good guys will slaughter scores of thousands in the streets protesting, the survivors will scurry into their parents basement.

    1. A guy is murdered slowly by a policeman and it's caught on video.

      2 days later in cities all over the country pallets of bricks are set up, burnable materials are cached and organized demonstrations with looting and arson are happening. All over the country!
      Somebody was waiting for this moment. They had plans, people and communications set up and waiting, this is an organization with patience.
      If they were ready for that what makes you think that "they" are not ready for someone to start shooting in the street?

    2. While I mostly agree with you we need to remember the is pushing a white " supremacists " right wing story to cover for the leftist uprising. Top officials in the FBI, CIA, NSA, National Intelligence and DOJ are on record saying so and local cops aren't coming to help you either. Hit some idiot with your car holding a sign on the interstate highway at 1 in the morning and you get charged, paint over the ignorant blm crap on the road and yep you get charged. Your local government may be better but don't be overly surprised if they aren't, make an appointment with your DA and sheriff and find out what is their mindset. What's a chargeable offense and your self defense limits, don't rely on your CCW orientation classes or so-called rights of self defense. I'm not saying to allow yourselves to be hurt or worse but know where you stand if retards comes to visit.
      This is my opinion, take what you want from it and plot your own course forward.
      Good luck.

    3. Rob, guy wasn't slow-murdered by a cop. He committed suicide and was just moving after death. The drugs he took and the heart attack he had standing up (The Big One, as referenced by Fred Sanford) killed him. There was no chance of him surviving even in a trauma center.

  2. I appreciate the intent of the article, but there ARE errors.

    Editor: "The whole purpose of a police force is to provide some sense of rule of law, but where that rule of law is excepted to placate powerful mobs, they are a failure. "

    What? This is blatantly wrong, self-delulsion, or outright propaganda. Law Enforcement Officers are, first and foremost, employees of a corporation, and the "protect and serve" perception is spoon-fed to the public, but they no more represent the ordinary and average citizen, than a politician does. And they most certainly, do not represent the "rule of law".

    Editor: "The loyalty of local police departments and sheriff's offices need to be vetted. "

    Well good luck with that. With any breakdown of society, Law Enforcement Officers are one the first gangs to form. I think then, the author is deluding him (herself), that law enforcement, Federal, State, or Local, would be of any assistance in these dire straits.

  3. I'm seeing a trend where blacks will antagonize whites and then will film them when they respond in a negative fashion. Then a selectively edited video will be shown by the media to prove how racist whites are. Unfortunately, they have the initiative now, don't fall for their traps.

  4. Minute Men -- citizens who are ready to defend their liberty at a moment's notice. Today we need a nation of minute men; citizens who are not only prepared to take up arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as a basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom. The cause of liberty, the cause of America, cannot succeed with any lesser effort.
    John F Kennedy President of the United States USA January 29, 1961


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