
Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Get woke, go broke

Ratings for A&E Network have plummeted since it canceled the hit police reality show “Live PD” on June 10, a sign of how much the network relies on law-enforcement programming.

Average prime-time viewership for A&E between June 11 and July 19 was 498,000 people, down 49% from the same period last year, according to data from Nielsen. In the key demographics of adults 18-49 and 25-54, the declines are 55% and 53%, respectively.


  1. waitingForTheStormJuly 28, 2020 at 8:11 AM

    I still watch The First 48. It is a pretty clear demonstration of the issues we face with the youths in our cities.

    1. I watch the First 48 also
      It’s always fun to watch some Black Lives Matter member blast a family member or two over a $20 bag of weed !

    2. Blacks killing blacks. The occasional white chick killed... by a black. The very uncommon actual white person killing another white person, usually drug related. And hispanics behaving badly.

      That's "The First 48" in a synopsis.

      Anyone else ever notice black people don't start wailing and carrying on until the camera is on them and then they go all boo-hooey and 'Lawdy, Lawdy' over a 'loved one' they didn't give a shit about 10 minutes before? Simple street theater.

  2. Think that's bad? Wait until MLB, the NBA and the NFL get smoked. Couldn't be more deserving.

  3. Yep, TV networks. You have the right to remain stupid.

  4. Before my Mom passed I had DirecTV here at the house for her to watch. When I called to cancel the CSR tried to bribe me with some free HBO. Hey, I'm saving about $1300 a year and can reallocate that for more important stuff. Ammo, parts for the hog. Cable/satellite programming just sucks.

    1. Don’t forget to get your deposit if any back !
      Otherwise it will go into your state unclaimed funds

  5. MLB who?
    NBA what?
    NFL huh?

    They are all DEAD to me.

  6. The really smart people are probably now watching Springer on OTA tv.

  7. Re-scanned the digital antenna yesterday. Picked up a couple of new over-the-air channels in our area; now have the Heroes and Icons channel - - lots of old TV shows: Combat, The Rat Patrol, Tour of Duty, Have Gun Will Travel, Cheyenne to name a few. And one I have been wanting for years, The High Chaparral.
    Reality cop shows - meh; Sports (of any kind) - double meh; news, both local & national - not even.


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