
Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Good Morning

The flowers that asshole dog Jack is nosing around in are called Nicotiana. They throw a purple flower that comes out in the morning and evening, then close up during the heat of the day. There must be no nectar to them because it doesn't attract bees or hummingbirds at all.
It's an invasive annual that disappears completely during the cold months but comes back like gangbusters mid to late spring, growing to about 4 feet tall. When we first moved in, there was exactly one plant on the left side of the steps to the porch. Now it's surrounding the porch and growing on the eastern side of the house. I keep it restricted there just by mowing to within a couple feet of the porch and house.


  1. Not that I am trying to be an asshole (that comes naturally) but the flowers might be Four O'clocks

    1. I was told that it's the same plant, Four O'clocks is just the common name. I'm probably wrong of course, I don't know shit about plants.

  2. We've always called them four o'clocks here in Georgia. Constant battle as they climb anything and wrap around any other plant/shrub. Kudzu with flowers...

    1. These don't climb or wrap, they grow straight up on stalks, but they're thick as hell.

    2. That is a great picture of Jack.

      Does he ride into town with you?

    3. No, he nuts up every time he sees a UPS or any other kind of box truck, ricocheting all over the cab. He'll end up causing me to have an accident. That and the fact he's already chewed through one seatbelt that I can't afford to replace. Luckily it's a back seat belt where nobody rides.

  3. That is a great photo of that asshole.

  4. Aww! What a sweet asshole dog!

  5. He's wonderful!

    And as weeds go, at least they're pretty.

  6. Good looking dog that will die for Lisa.
    Count your blessings.


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