
Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Looks like I missed out on a free chicken dinner

MACON COUNTY, Tenn. (WKRN) — No one was injured when a semi hauling frozen chicken crashed on Highway 141 in Macon County Sunday night.

According to a report from Tennessee Highway Patrol, the 63-year-old driver from Jacksonville, Florida was traveling south around 6 p.m., when he tried to turn at a curve in the road. The right-side tires went off the road, causing the truck and trailer to slide down a steep embankment, troopers said.


  1. I like the way the Nashville station shows a map with Macon County highlighted, like people don't know where it's at. Are people in Nashville really that stupid, or is that a stupid question?

    1. You'd be surprised. Every time I'm near or in Nashville and mention that I'm from Macon County, I get puzzled looks, then I have to explain to them it's 50 miles thataway.

    2. Typical of city-folk... they can't imagine a world outside their own.


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