
Friday, July 17, 2020

I'd have to find me someplace else to drink

Businesses have had to embrace social distancing during the pandemic, and perhaps none more so than an English pub which installed an electric fence to keep thirsty customers at bay.

Jonny McFadden, who runs the Star Inn in St Just, Cornwall, told CNN that he installed the electric fence in front of the pub's bar for social distancing purposes.

"It's a very small pub, the first and last rural pub in Cornwall," he said.


  1. Now that's a lawsuit waiting to happen. What the fuck is up with these people?

  2. Saw that on the 6p.m. blab fest, once called the news, looks like a publicity stunt but yea... Fuck Em

  3. It's in Wales, where the sheep outnumber the humans by 3 to 1. I doubt there'll be a law suit since the Ambulance Chasers haven't taken hold there yet.


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