
Friday, July 17, 2020

Modern day book burning

A middle school in White Bear Lake, Minnesota is under fire for tossing hundreds of books into the dumpster, with school administrators blaming COVID-19 for why the knowledge had to be trashed.

Concerned citizen Ryan Swanson told FOX 9 that he visited the site to see for himself and was disgusted at what he found.

“I was so mad, I just left,” he said.

Swanson noted that he found books pertaining to Native American history, the Constitution, and World War II that were trashed by the school. He saved about 30 books and said others were doing the same.


  1. Apparently they must feel that only one book is needed. Three guesses and it ain't the Bible.

    1. Saul Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals' comes to mind.

  2. 'outdated'.
    Yep, WW2 history has changed this last year.
    Why? WW2 was racist: we fought the Aryan race.

  3. Commies gotta commie and it begins with indoctrination of YOUR children.

  4. Much ado about nothing. Libraries regularly "weed", a term they prefer to "cull", books from the stacks. Sometimes they donate to other agencies or have a used book sale. But often they just end up in the dumpster. They will look at age of the book, has a newer edition come out, how often is the title checked out, condition of the book, and other factors.

    The school may not have had an option to give these books away with the current hysteria about the flu.

    Lots of times the librarian has enough sense to do this after hours the night before the dumpster is emptied.

    In the past, retail establishments would throw away paperback books pulled from the shelf. The vendor would usually tear the front cover off so the store could get credit and the books trashed. If you ever bought a paperback at a used book store without the front cover, it was probably taken from a book store's dumpster. Hard covers were usually sent to outlet stores to be sold a deep discounts.

    I wonder if Mr. Swanson wants his property taxes raised to build a warehouse to store out of date books?

    1. Mr. Swanson and neighbors ought to demand a 50% reduction of the principal's total budget for salaries and books. Then we'll see how damned fast she gets her ass out back to go dumpster diving.

  5. My ex was a librarian. Weeding is done in all libraries. History books are tossed the most as they become outdated. (For example: "one day we will send a man to the moon")
    Damaged or heavily worn out books also get tossed. Books that aren't relevant too.
    Some librarians throw them out, other give them to anyone that wants them.

    1. Try to find anything by Kipling in, say, 3 months.

    2. My mother's side of the family was quite literate. We had a then 100 year old copy of "The Lincoln Library of Essential Information", which was a single volume of condensed information. I often used it when writing reports for class and would usually compare the information it provided with other sources, such as "The Encyclopedia Americana". Some things change with time, some do not. A good way to learn critical thinking skills. As I remember, Abe Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth sometime around 1865-kind of hard to change that fact unless your motivation is to re-write history.

  6. @ChrisMallory, Afterglow36

    True, but not the point. The point is to go after the bastards on the propaganda front as hard as they go after us. Because the alternative to a war of words, images, and perceptions is bloodshed.

    Alinksy Rule#4
    "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."
    Right. They're always whining about 'Nazi book burning' so we paint them as behaving like Nazis.

    It goes on from there. Alinsky's worldview is about class warfare, resentment, seeing the world as a zero-sum game of power and dominance, and victimhood. (Always with the victimhood.) Now I realize it's not easy for some of you to think like that. You're about getting things done, standing on your individual merit, and similar "outdated" values. Alinsky had an unfair advantage because he apparently felt his victimhood deeply from childhood, so you got some catching up to do.

    But we now live in a world created by Alinksy types. Use their own methods and tools against them. I'm not saying believe or accept his worldview, because it's very very wrong. And evil. But I am saying that the three options for dealing with this sort of leftist are: 1) continue to bend over and take it, 2) use their own propaganda methods against them, 3) round them up and shoot the whole lot. I reject #1, and I really, really don't want it to come to #3.

  7. i was lucky enough to have a job at a high school when they decided to purge the library i was able to grab about a ton of books ( Im talking a freaking truckload ) .many books about WWII , the Civil war , some Mark Twain and lots of gun stuff some had never been opened ! i had to build a bunch of bookshelves.

  8. Books are seldom outdated.

    Over 50 years ago I read a biography of David Crockett that had been written fifteen years prior to that. Though the collective knowledge of his history and the history of that time overall has been far more finely honed than when that bio was written, every recent history or biography that portrays Crockett credits it as a reference.

    Those who destroy books are doing so only because those books portray a reality they want to ignore. Book burners should be punished. Just like monument defacers.

  9. Fun fact of the day:

    "The U.S. Army took control of German media. The Information Control Division of the U.S. Army had by July 1946 taken control of 37 German newspapers, 6 radio stations, 314 theaters, 642 cinemas, 101 magazines, 237 book publishers, and 7,384 book dealers and printers.[1] Its main mission was democratization but the agenda also included the prohibition on any criticism of the Allied occupation forces.[2]. In addition, on May 13, 1946 the Allied Control council issued a directive for the confiscation of all media that could contribute to Nazism or militarism. As a consequence a list was drawn up of over 30,000 book titles, ranging from school textbooks to poetry, which were now banned. All copies of books on the list were confiscated and destroyed; the possession of a book on the list was made a punishable offense. All the millions of copies of these books were to be confiscated and destroyed. The representative of the Military Directorate admitted that the order was in principle no different from the Nazi book burnings.[2]"


    "Read No Evil" Time magazine, May 27, 1946,9171,776847,00.html

    1. I'm guessing that Ms Merkel did not lose her entire collection of banned materials, judging by how fast she has driven her country into the ground.

    2. They didn't ban the titles that she worships.


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