
Friday, July 24, 2020

Opinion: 'Confederate President Trump' will be happy about Georgia's forgotten flag

No more excuses, unreasonable justifications, weak explanations or unconvincing diversions will do. Suspicions, hunches, diplomatic queries and optimistic hesitancies are no longer necessary. There is no more doubt. The president of the United States is a Confederate. Yes, he is a gray coat, a “wish I was in Dixie” singer, a night rider, a white supremacist. He is all those things and more.

It is your prerogative to still love and stand with him. But, be clear — If you do, you are a Confederate as well. Own it! There can be no more equivocation on the matter. Some might suggest you seek therapy.

Whether he has secured the services of a good counselor or not, Confederate President Trump is angry again. He is angry at people demanding America remove its “beautiful” Confederate statues and racist sports team nicknames. He is livid about rogue, terrorist protesters trying to take over the country. He is angry that NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace won’t apologize for a hoax of a noose being found on the door of his racing garage in Alabama (a noose which was actually there, by the way). And he is pissed off that Confederate flags are being retired and banned across the country.


  1. CT commie rag. Shocking.
    Flood there email

    1. And flood 'their' eMail, too.

  2. So is the dude that wrote this actually retarded, or just high on sewer gas?

  3. All I got out of that drivel is the writer is a fucking pussy. For every Confederate flag they take down, let's put 10 more up in it's place. It's like they are re-writing history.

  4. just fly the Bonnie Blue, the assholes dont know what it is

    1. I fly a Bonnie Blue tag on the front of my truck!

      Louis Jenkins

  5. Much hate this one has.

  6. Who knows, maybe the South WILL rise again.

  7. Once proud newspapers now Socialist rags! They offer $2.50 a week subscriptions and I sill won't take it.

  8. Why are you posting this ignorant crap?

    1. Because ignoring it doesn't solve the problem. It's like cancer, you have to identify the problem, plan the treatment, and then apply caustic chemicals until it dies.

    2. OK, wasn't sure if he agreed with it or if it was for our educational benefit.

    3. I always look at these types of stories is that Ken is trying to educate my dumb ass. So I would relax. Take another sip of bourbon, read on and learn.

    4. “To come to know your enemy, first you must become his friend, and once you become his friend, all his defences come down. Then you can choose the most fitting method for his demise.”
      ~ Tokugawa Ieyasu

  9. F that asshole!


  10. He & the town deserve one another.
    --Tennessee Budd

  11. The Courier Journal is owned by the same fine folks that own USA Today.
    You know. The Chainsaw Bayonet people.

  12. funny he refers to Trump as "grand dragon", when there was a democrat politician who actually LED the KKK. Morons, both.

  13. I was afraid someone would figure this out sometime. For a long time no one, even most Confederate-Americans, didn't know what the real Stars and Bars was. By the way, is "Confederate-American" a contradiction in terms?

  14. Mr. Ricky L. Jones is associate professor of pan-African studies at the University of Louisville.

    1. Pan-African studies. Isn't Pan a name for chimpanzee's (Pan Troglodytes). The combination seems fitting.

  15. Whenever you see a mention of Emmett Till (blessed Saint Emmett, PBUH) you immediately know it's going to be a whining grievance story.

    Always always remember that while persons such as the author are a problem, the root of the problem is those who have perverted our culture so that whining and grievance now have real power.

    FWIW, I go about with the Stars and Bars (Texas Volunteers version) on my shoulder bag. I've gotten shit for other things (lack of mask, failure to worship at the twin altars of victimhood) but not the flag. It's sort of bait, but the ahistorical idiots don't even recognize it.

  16. What an asshole. Is he prepared to admit that these black protests have nothing to do with equality and justice but rather are a method to gain undeserved black superiority and bypass the democratic decision of the electorate?

  17. Another whinny ass negroe that can't seem to get off the democrat plantation...

  18. Wow, this hate-filled idiot is a special kind of stupid!!!

    Just wow!!!

  19. I feel dumber just having read that.


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