
Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Portland City Commissioner blames police for fires set during riots

Portland's City Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty accused the police, not rioters who had set fires around government buildings, of sending in "saboteurs" amid the riots. Backlash from the police caused her to retract her baseless claim hours later with an apology, according to The Oregonian.

"Portland police have consistently lied to the public. They've lied to our congressional delegation about whether or not they were coordinating activities with this federal secret police force," Hardesty said during a webinar hosted by Western States Center, which tracks "extremism" in the Pacific Northwest.

"Portland was never out of control. Portland's police overreacted, which gave 45 [President Donald Trump] permission to send in these troops," Hardesty claimed.


  1. A sizable piece of the American population has gone insane. It's like an alien virus that infects the weak and dependent, but mostly, the utterly stupid. There is an abundance of those.

    1. I wouldn't mind so much, but most of these terrorists are white and should know better. I wonder how they're going justify a bunch of them dieing when things really get bad.


    2. As George Carlin once said, "take a look at the average person around you and remember, half of them are stupider than that."


    3. Does the Omega Man come to mind ?

  2. Put her in the line that starts with Pelosi and as they step forward, just keep the hammer down....

    1. Just tie them all together by the hand or foot. March them to the railing of a high bridge. Shoot or push every fourth person so they fall off the bridge.

  3. According to Wikipedia she was "raised in Baltimore".

  4. She's "... angry that even as a city commissioner, I am coming up against countless barriers from protecting protesting Portlanders from the deluge of tear gas, pepper spray, and other munitions on a nightly basis." but has no words to say about the safety of the honest hard working citizens, and the need to protect them from the rioters. She's made her priorities very clear, and the law abiding citizens of her city are not considered a priority.

  5. "Portland was never out of control. Portland's police overreacted, which gave 45 [President Donald Trump] permission to send in these troops," Hardesty claimed.

    And that pretty much contradicted all of the BS the Dem's spewed at Barr's hearing yesterday. Doesn't seem to be any way around it. There is going to be a fight.

    1. Mx Hardesty is just following the lead of Representative Jerry Nadler.
      Persons such as Hardesty are just mid-level useful idiots. Persons such as Nadler (D. NY) are the root of the problems.


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