
Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Study: 75 Percent of Americans Now Believe Things Will Never Go Back to Normal

A recent study has shown that a stunning 75 percent of Americans believe that things will never return to normal after COVID-19 mass hysteria has transformed society virtually overnight.

The survey of 2,000 Americans conducted by OnePoll shows that the media-generated fear has resonated severely with the masses. 59 percent of respondents are too afraid to go back to their workplace with others, and 36 percent do not believe they will ever be able to return to a shared workspace without putting themselves or loved ones in danger. 63 percent believe their job will never be the same and anticipate working from home for at least the rest of the year.


  1. Big Democrat Cities are screwed. Between the Chinese Coronavirus Deaths, the lockdowns, the riots, and the idiots wanting to get rid of the police, people are going to be leaving. Businesses and TAXES are decimated. They need to make all those tax dollars up somewhere. Trump is not going to fund their foolishness. He already told Minneapolis Minnesota to f-- right off, no federal aid for you.

    Big changes coming!

    1. As a resident of Minneapolis, I fully support President Donald J. Trump's wise decision to tell Minneapolis to f--- off by denying the request for federal aid. I hope and pray that he continues to stand strong. I despise any and all who vote D; they are no longer my fellow country men, they are the enemy who support all that is evil. Remember: Be evil, vote Democrat.

  2. I am sure that the statistic is true but rest assured, this too will pass. If it disrupts our education system and makes room for something better then we will be ahead.

  3. Look at Education. No K-12 schools this Fall? Fine. Fire Everyone!

    No in class college education? Universities are going to be empty. Many will be bankrupted. The survivors are going to be cutting costs hard. Firing Instructors, Administrators, and mostly the poor schmucks that actually do things like cook, clean, and make things work.

    In the mean time, charter schools, religious schools, and home schooling will be BOOMING.

    Big changes coming.

    1. Universities make fortunes off of foreign students. With no on-campus classes, the fedgov is revoking student visas. Watch for the universities to make an about face tout de suite to open up their campuses.

    2. My Wife works for a large community college system. Today and through the fall all classes are remote (online) except for a few that have to do stuff hands-on like mortuary sciences. And get this. Fall semester registrations are UP 25%! All the real estate of the college sits idle, no electric costs, little maintenance, cleaning crews don't work there anymore. They are making more profit now than ever. It's the new normal

  4. No more offices full of workers. They are all at home, at the other end of the computer. If they are on a computer, why can't you work in a small town or a distant suburb? Chances are, any big meetings will be at hotel convention centers, not the now empty downtown office tower.

    Big Changes coming.

  5. Where was this survey group taken from - a vegetarian restaurant in L.A. ? Life is risk, we just have another way of getting sick with a 99.8% chance of recovery - Omigawd our Lives are over !!

    Jay-Zuz Christ ...

  6. According to the Democrats this will be the "New Normal" unless Trump loses in November. Then the Covid along with ANTIFA will magically disappear.

    1. The incels of antifa will not go away willingly. They have no pussy to go back to.
      As for black lies and blood splatter, they have found that there are people to kill beyond da hood.

    2. Fucking commies aren't going anywhere. They taste blood. Only thing that is going to stop them is our boolits.

  7. It seems as though the fabric of our country is being unraveled. Could that be because a demoralized populace is easier to control?

  8. Maybe. Or it could continue. Just cause the deems win does not mean the dens hit squads will stand down

    Would like to see trumps second term when the gloves come off. Spicey times indeed

    1. Yeah, I can't wait until Big Don ends chain migration, saves all the statues, locks her up, ends DACA, ends Common Core, makes Mexico pay for the wall he'll build in under 2 years, end Obamacare....

  9. COVID-1984 will easily disappear......

    antifags and blm will be harder......most communist purges take months or years.


  10. As bad our society has been allowed to become, should we go back to the way thing were? This can be an opportunity to change things for the better. Whatever shape those changes take, they won’t just happen. Someone has to work towards change, especially those of us who don’t want to get involved or be left alone. That includes me too.

    1. There's not much wrong with the way things were, except for the way the police are allowed to shield their own. That's what produces the Derrick Chauvins of the world.

      Other than that, taxes are too high and Demonrats need to be kept in the minority in governments local, state, and national and told to shut the fuck up when they start their whining.

      Yesterday's Judiciary Committee hearing with Bill Barr proves that the only thing Demonrats are interested in is themselves and their agenda. They certainly don't give a shit about the people that sent them to The Swamp.

      Oh, and us ordinary law abiding citizens need to left our own devices.


    2. Barr's father hired Epstein as a teacher, and Barr represented Lon Horiuchi.

      Good thing we're getting another $1200 check, should at least get some placating payoff for $8 trillion in monopoly money created.

      This is fine...

  11. The masks are here for good. You will NEVER AGAIN be (allowed) to enter a big box store or grocery store without "the mask".


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