
Wednesday, July 08, 2020


ROCHESTER, N.Y. — A statue of abolitionist Frederick Douglass was ripped from its base in Rochester on the anniversary of one of his most famous speeches, delivered in that city in 1852.

Police said the statue of Douglass was taken on Sunday from Maplewood Park, a site along the Underground Railroad where Douglass and Harriet Tubman helped shuttle slaves to freedom.


Is there any doubt now that these fuckers aren't concerned with racism, but are bent on destroying American history?


  1. I was talking with a friend from Venezuela today. She says the destruction of statues and monuments was how things started in her country (which used to be prosperous). At the time she and other normal people thought, "Those idiots. This will stop soon, when everyone realizes these vandals are just being stupid."

    But old Cubans who had fled to Venezuela said, "This is how it started in Cuba. It will NOT just blow over. You need to stop this now." And look where Cuba and Venezuela are today.

    Of course, they weren't armed as we are in the US. But the bad people have carefully weaponized laws and the courts against liberty, so that defense of yourself or the Constitution, by deeds or words, will be construed as a crime. Or a "hate crime".

  2. So, I used to live outside Roch-cha-cha.... moved to EastTN 5 yrs ago in August! Its very, very dark in the city, painfully so. Racism (black on white) was palpable, one reason we left... suburbs even starting (with section 8 housing vouchers no less!) They tried pushing their "urban-suburban" school prog in Hilton where I lived, literally stood up in front of 300 parents and told us we were selected b/c our town was too white!
    Folks, its already begun. I was living through the cold-war portion up there 5 years ago... its gone hot now. 20 bux says history points to Floyd riots as the start.
    Them boys marching at Stone Mountain this weekend? What kind of response do you think they'll get, one of these days? I didn't see many in body armour (not that it matters to a .308/7.62/6.5)....
    Folks, it ain't gonna get better between here and November. And no matter who wins, after is going to be a shit-show. Stock up on pantry, liquor, toilet paper and lead!

    1. Hey, neighbor, sitting here in Knox County myself and watching the big cities descend into madness.

    2. I’m from East Tennessee (Tellico Plains). Wish I was back there.

  3. They don't know American history. They are willfully ignorant; most are likely too stupid to learn and see no point to it - not when all they have to do is gather in unsupervised groups, chant slogans, and destroy racis' statues or memorials.

    Their behavior sickens me.

    During the 1950s and '60s, the colored people had legitimate complaints. They marched in protest, but the things they were protesting were real and discriminatory. Now? Not so much, I'm thinking.

    Now they're willfully ignorant and proud of it.

    1. To me, it seems that all these people are frantically trying to uncover something and call it "ray-ciss". It's sort of like looking in a coal cellar at midnight for a black cat that isn't there... and finding it.

  4. "are bent on destroying American history"

    That's a page right out of the communist play book and in fact goes back millennia as a means of over throwing and/or subjugating a government/people.

  5. In the article there was the question if this was retaliation for confederate statues being torn down. I hadn't even thought of that. I don't consider it likely, I’m not seeing any right wing shit stirrers out there.

  6. Got D.O.P.E. ?
    Tic tock


    This is pretty sobering. Read comments as well.

  8. They may not know their history, but they will have a fair idea of the price of bronze.


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