
Friday, July 24, 2020

SEVEN down? Doing what the State won't...

Another California death row inmate has died from what appears to be complications of the coronavirus amid an outbreak sweeping through San Quentin State Prison.


  1. This just in... it's now EIGHT down.

    "John Beames was convicted of first-degree murder and torture in the killing of Cassie McMains, the 15-month-old daughter of Angelita McMains. Beames moved into their home in April 1993. The girl bled to death in January 1994 after her liver was hit so hard it nearly split in two, according to court records. She suffered multiple other physical injuries, including a broken leg, burns and black eyes, in the months before her death."

    The news of Mr. Beames' passing must greatly upset Governor Goodhair.

  2. Could this be a form of poetic justice?

  3. Well it probably hurt more than lethal injection, so too freaking bad Johnny!

  4. Works for me. Especially with the Death Row, has California even killed any in the last decade?.
    If Kung flu balances the Kharma scale who is harmed?


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