
Thursday, July 02, 2020

Supreme Court refuses to block federal executions of inmates in July and August

The Supreme Court on Monday refused to block the execution of four federal prison inmates who are scheduled to be put to death in July and August.

The executions would mark the first use of the death penalty on the federal level since 2003.

The justices rejected an appeal from four inmates who were convicted of killing children. Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor noted that they would have blocked the executions from going forward.


  1. Dang the systematic racism. All four of these murderers are white boys. Where is the affirmative action so a black dude can get executed too?

  2. I wonder if The Usual Suspects will be protesrioting in the streets as Execution Day approaches. I already know the bleeding-hearts will be coming out of the woodwork with their usual bleating.

  3. Say what you like about my state but one reason I’m glad I live in Florida: we don’t have a problem executing scum like those three

  4. No execution. Take the boys out for a day trip on a big boat and feed them to the sharks.


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