
Thursday, July 16, 2020

When a boycott backfires


  1. Publix has had those up in the canned section since the Covidiocracy started. Not just with Goya.

    Pisses me off that food is restricted in these United States.

  2. Last week the boss sent me to the grocery store and I stopped at the Goya section on purpose and came home with quite a bit of their products. The boss saw them when I got home and said she heard about the boycott too and was pleased with my decision....for a change. :P

  3. I bought a Goya product this week and smiled as I did so. Fuck you, commies!

  4. It would be interesting to know where that photo was taken as it could be interpreted as a Trump poll. Here in Central Florida, Trump pretty much has the votes but if it was South Florida, it would appear that he’s gaining traction.

    1. according to all of the recent "polls" Biden is going to win by a YYUUUUGGEE margin, just like Hitlery did in 2016. Wait, what? Hitlery DIDN'T win by a landslide in 2016? But, but, but the pundits ALL said she was gonna win, just they're ALL saying, including Fucked Up News, that Biden is going to win big this year.

      Hey, I've got this bridge...


    2. They also think all of this mayhem will reflect poorly on him as well and help their pervy, lying, senile, early stage dementia candiate.
      I did not think they could get worse than Hillary, but they did, maybe they will be the ones to have terrible candidates for while.
      Wish the GOP would clear out the rinos and other traitors and realize half the country holds pretty conservative or at least traditional values, even some of us long hairs.
      Can't wait for the first game they try to skip the national anthem and play something else...pretty sure the voices of the crowd will drowned it out.

  5. I'm not familiar with the brand, not sure if it's available down here but I like what the head of the company had to say about freedom of speech.

  6. Reckon the Dimcrats will interpret the signs correctly? Nah.

    1. Gotta love the irony. Visualize some Gender Studies 23 year old with purple hair and no job buying a cart full of Goya on her EBT card.

  7. The silent majority is listening...

  8. Talked to my mom this morning and she said their refried beans and their corn are pretty good. I never purchased much of their products, myself. I've always been a Rosarita refried beans guy.

  9. Here in the Tampa Bay Area, Goya doesn’t even go into the ethnic foods section since everybody pretty much eats Cuban food around here.

  10. Bought a whole bunch of Goya products today. Going to try some new ways of cooking. Win-win


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