
Thursday, July 16, 2020

Woman runs across 4 lanes of traffic, jumps in canal to rescue drowning Ore. toddler

REDMOND, Ore. (KTVZ/CNN) - A woman who rescued a 2-year-old boy after she saw him run across an Oregon highway and fall into a canal says a higher power put her in the right place at the right time.

Bailey Vardanega was driving Tuesday evening along Highway 97 in Redmond, Oregon, when she saw the father of a 2-year-old boy flagging down drivers. She then saw the toddler run across the highway and fall into an irrigation canal.


  1. And instead of leaving well enough alone the gommint - social services has to start a child neglect investigation. 🙄

  2. Why was the father flagging down traffic and not jumping in to save his own child? Amazing.

  3. This is a great story.....

    now if we can get people all across America to react and actually help someone in need.......

    rather than break out their damn cell phones to record their “inaction.”


  4. Just maybe the father did not know how to swim.
    Ever think of that Anonymouse?

  5. Two year olds can be worse than puppies...

    1. I have a twin brother, and when we were 2,we got into the orange flavored baby aspirin. My mom was upstairs, and we were too quiet. She came down,saw what was going on,and called her mom, who told her to make us drink mustard in milk, to make us throw up. Yeah, right, like a 2 year old boy is going to do that. So a trip to the ER, where they pumped our stomachs. And they make sure that you don't forget it. 30 minutes of pumping water in and out of your stomach,through your nose. I told them I only ate 2 of them, but of course, they didn't believe me, until they were done pumping my stomach, and they figured out that my twin brother ate the rest of a mostly full bottle.
      I got even with him, though. My mom got a new vacuum cleaner,and I put him in the box,and we played rocket to outerspace,so I pushed him down the stairs in the box. He got a trip back to the ER to get his head sewn up.
      Whatever you do, avoid twin boys. And no,we look nothing like each other.


    2. My wife and I wound up raising twin grandsons, one blonde and the other black-haired. They were born nearly 2 months premature, and we were very lucky that both survived, apparently without brain damage. The smaller one was one pound 13 ounces, but he grew up bigger than his brother, and strong enough to work construction jobs while learning to repair diesel engines and heavy equipment.

      The fighting started by six months, after one learned to pull himself up the side of playpen to stand up and scream for attention. Then he figured out that he could get higher by pushing his weaker brother down and standing on his head, and there was much more screaming. But the other one got the first tooth, and suddenly they were equal.

      However, give them a common enemy and they'd be united - and twice as smart as they were alone. (For most groups of people, intelligence subtracts rather than adding, but these two are different.) We were onto their tricks, but by the second week of kindergarten, the school realized that they'd have to be in separate classes, or the teacher wouldn't stand a chance.


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